Chapter Two

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I rush off the plane and into a yellow cab that had been waiting for me, I tell the cabbie not to look and I put up my jacket just in case as I take off my dress and pull on a pair of skin tight black jeans and a low cut v-neck with Black Veil Brides on it. I take the jacket down and stuff it into my suitcase pulling out a black hoodie and putting it on over my shirt.

Around 20 minutes later the cab arrives in the city and drops me off in front of a nice looking apartment building. I go into the lobby get my keys run up to my apartment drop my stuff off and call another cab. 10 minutes later it arrives and I ask the cabbie to take me to KC High school where Wes goes. I run into the school and into the principals office just as the bell rings signaling that class has started.

The young man behind the desk looks up at me and smiles kindly. He can't be more than 25 years old.

"Hi there you must be Claire Grundie.", he says happily.

I nod my head and smile back at him, what a sucker. He is so...what's the word? Susceptible to tricks maybe?

"Here is your schedule and I'll have your teacher send you an escort to show you around school until Friday. Is that ok?", he questions me.

I nod my head as he gets up and walks over to a built in intercom in the wall. He talks to a woman for a minute but it is so gargled up that I can't understand it. 2 minutes later Wes walks in and smirks at me an odd glint in his eyes.

"Sup babe.", he laughs.

"Mr.Stromberg we do not call new students babe.", The principal whose name I found out was Mr.Sedrick exclaims flatly.

Wes rolls his eyes and grabs my arm pulling me out of the principals office. We walk down a hallway and I examine my schedule, I have biology, geometry, art, choir, and 2 free periods. Wes suddenly wraps his arm around my shoulders and takes my paper.

"Cool, we have all the same classes, we can be best buddies!", he yells dramatically.

"Whatever.", I smile looking down at my shoes shaking his arm off of me.

He drags me to a class full of what looked like people that were either high or extremely happy for no reason. A girl comes up to me and says something I don't understand then she walks away and high-fives a guy that looks stoned as hell. Wes pulls me up to a group of people in the corner laughing and looking pretty normal.

"Hi my names Callista and this is, Xan, Justice, Bri, Kylie, Amber, Austin, Ricky, and Allison.", Callista giggles sitting down next to whom I am guessing is Xan.

"I'm Claire.", I whisper trying to look shy and nervous.

"Don't be shy.", Wes laughs plopping down next to Callista and motioning me to do the same.

I sit down next to him and scoot closer trying to look like I have no idea what to do. The door opens and a old man walks in and sits at the big desk in the front of the class. He pulls out an iPad and starts playing games on it while everyone else whoops and hollers and I sit there awkwardly snuggling up next to Wes because it was actually quite cold in this classroom.

"Are you cold?", he murmurs into my ear pulling off his jacket and putting it around my shoulders.

I smile at him and lay my head on his shoulder, a bell rings a few minutes later and we all get up and head out to different classes. Wes is at my side and talking to another guy who had been sitting our little group, I'm guess he was either Austin or Ricky.

"So this is Claire?", he asks Wes curiously.

"Yeah Austin didn't you hear her say it in home room?", he bellows.

Austin grins then disappears into the crowd of people headed to classes. Our first class is...funny my first class is a free period. That's kind of odd, at my old school before I graduated there was never a free period for the first two hours of the day. Oh well this ought to be fun, I wonder who will be in this free period besides Wes and I? We walk into the gym and I immediately recognize Kylie, Callista, and Ricky sitting in a corner...again. What is it with these people and corners?

"Over here!", Kylie screams at us from across the gym.

I chuckle to myself at how odd these people are, I think I'll fit in just fine. I sit down next to Kylie and Wes, looking at the other people in the gym.

"So where did you move here from?", Wes asks.

"Oh, uhm Fontana, North Carolina.", I shrug aimlessly.

"Cool.", he smirks standing up and pulling me with him toward some other people.

"Guys, this is Claire. Claire this is Sally, Olive, Eileen, Donny, Will, and Eric.", He smiles broadly wrapping his arm around me again making Sally glare at me.

What's her problem, does she like Wes? I can't let that happen I have to get him to like me so I can take his money. Wow that sounded so demented and heartless. It seems so wrong, I never thought I'd feel like that about my job. I've always loved this job since that first day.

"You ok?", Wes questioned a trace of slight worry on his face.

I nod my head snapping out of my thoughts and heading back over to the others in the corner. I really need a place to sit and relax for a minute.

"Wait up!", Wes laughs chasing after me as I start running to the corner, sliding down to the wall and onto the ground and lay down next to Kylie who is flirting with some random guy.

Wes lays down next to me and we both stay silent as we look up at the ceiling. It stays silent between us until the bell rings and we get up grabbing our bags and heading to our next class which is geometry. Great my least favorite subject since I had it my freshman year. The teacher walks in just as the bell rings, along with a few students on his heels to get into the classroom. I sit in the back of the classroom as the rest of the kids file into their seats. Wes of course sits next to me and messes with me to where I can't focus all class.

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