Chapter 12

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"WELL, hello, my beloved Bradley. Why so late?"

He froze right on the door as he kept his hand on the knob. Maddie was sitting on a settee in front of him with crossed legs, staring at him with undiluted eyes.

The liquid on his forehead continued to get out of his skin pores while he quivered. He didn't expect her to be in here, after such a long time, the sight of her made him feel uneasy.

"Why don't you come in and let's talk? After all, we have a lot of things we really should discuss," she whispered as a mysterious smile crossed her lips. There was a different tone in her voice that made him feel so coward.

Yes, he admitted, that he was such a coward. How can he protect Jessie and Cara if he couldn't even protect himself in the hands of monsters? Hence, he really thought about fighting, but he had a weak heart to do that.

I'm such a coward!

It was past eleven in the evening, and the roads were already dark. He noticed that his house was filled with darkness, so he tried to switch the lights on.

To his bad luck, nothing happened. He repeated what he did before, but it just couldn't spark. He turned to her with a sharp glare and furrowed his brows.

She only chuckled then pointed the bulb above them. "I shut the generator down, my love." She motioned her finger to let him come closer. "Close the door and explain."

He bit his lip and shook his head. "What the hell is this—"

"Just shut the fuck up!" she yelled, making him be quiet in an instant. "Now, I'll ask you questions that you have to answer."

He gulped up and down with trembling body. Having no other choice, he closed the door that made the whole room consume by darkness. He walked onward and groped on the things he could hold.

"Who is she, Brad? No, who the hell are they?" she started to ask, with a shaky voice because of the anger she felt.

"What are you talking about?"

A sinister chuckle surrounded the whole space, then she stopped. "You were cheating on me, don't you?" she said in a monotone.

The thought of Cara crossed his mind, as he balled his fist. "I never cheated, I never did." He let out a weak sough. "There's nothing between us, so I never cheated."

Even though he couldn't see what her reaction was, he got the feeling that she was in utter shock. There was a pure tranquility that filled the four-squared room, which made his goosebumps to rise.

"Never cheated?" she asked, then a mocking laugh went out of her mouth. "Then explain to me why are you with that auburn-haired and black-haired woman?"

His eyes widened when she mentioned them. "Y-You . . . You are stalking me, Maddie?" His once shocked face changed when he realized one thing—she was involve in Julia's death.

"Of course, I do. I assume, you got my warning when I killed that freaking whore. Don't test me, Brad," she said with so much threat in her tone.

He balled his fist, seething in anger he felt. "I'm done! This will be the end of you and your brother's bullshit!" He turned around and strode toward the door.

"You think you can escape me again, huh?! I won't allow that!" she screamed, but never stood up from the couch.

But he didn't pay her any attention as he groped for the knob. When a cold rounded metal touched his hand, he didn't waste time and turned it.

As the door opened, he stepped his right foot to go out, but what he had seen made him stop.

Kyle was standing in front of him with a smirk written on his face as the syringe stood on his grasp. He was about to push him, but the guy got to him first then jabbed it on his arm.

His head started spinning that caused him to stumble down the floor. Before he could lost his consciousness, Kyle stood above him with that same sadistic smile.

I'm so screwed.

"WHERE the fuck am I?"

A wooden chair was in front of him as he looked around his surroundings. Trying his very best to get out, the tight ropes around his feet and hands restrained him to do so.

He gave up and breathed heavily while his heart raced back and forth. He knew that Maddie and Kyle did this, and escaping wasn't a good choice, for now.

The door screeched as it opened, and the girl he loathed the most appeared with a tray of food. She wore that insane smile on her lips while walking toward him then sat on the vacant seat.

"How are you, my love? I made breakfast," she said as if it was all normal.

He gave her the sharpest glare he could ever muster. "Do you know that kidnapping me will make you and your brother rot in jail?"

Raising her brow, a chuckle emitted out of her mouth. "So? As if they will ever find you, right?" she asked in a mocking way.

He stared at her as she started cutting the pork using a knife and fork. Afterward, she placed it on his lips and pushed it in a gentle manner. "Eat this."

He refused to even swallow it, so he shook his head to dodge the food but she still insisted. "I said, eat it, Bradley," she said in a harsh voice.

When he didn't even look at the food she cooked just for him, the nerve in her head disconnected that made her to place the tray aside and stood up. She, then grabbed his jaw and turned to face her.

"Eat!" She squeezed his jaw that made his mouth open deliberately. When he received the food inside his mouth, he spat it back to her face.

Seething in anger, she grabbed the whole pork by her palm and forced it on his sealed lips.

"Fucking eat it!" she screamed as she squeezed his jaw more tightly and pushed the food on his lips.

When he opened his mouth, he took and spat it once again. That only made her throw the whole tray on the wall then walked toward him. Her palm collided on his cheek in the most loud way.

His head turned aside as they remained silent. Suddenly, a sob escaped out of her mouth making him look at her.

"Look what you made me do! I just wanted you to eat the food I cooked for you, but you kept on refusing me!" With that, she stomped out of the room, leaving him with an already red cheek.

He imagined being there for a lifetime, not being able to see the sunlight. He hoped that someone would rescue him, but in the other hand, he just wanted to die.

For the first time in his life, he laughed.

He laughed for the bitter truth.

That his life was no longer his.

To be continued...

A/N: Heya! Hope you're enjoying your day while reading my book. Love ya!

Vote and comment if you want.

Truly yours,

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