BTS(4): Jungkook's Decision

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BTS(4): Jungkook's Decision


Ahh. It's been a while since we done this. I'm excited..I haven't saw the director's daughter yet, but according to Himchan's description..She has long brown hair, dark brown eyesl, and her face, is very demure and feminine.

I think I found her. I scan her features and it's exactly the same as Himchan's description. It's her. I grabbed her arm then hugged her body against mine. Ugh. I seem like a rapist, but I'm not.

She couldn't see my face because I'm behind her. Covering her mouth using my left hand, I grasp both of her wrists.

I tied a hankerchief around her head, covering her eyes. And a rope wrapped around her wrists tightly.

"Yah, what's your name?" I ask, pulling her hair.

"Ch-choi Yoora.." she replies with a shaking voice.  As usual, my deep serious Taehyung voice mode worked like a charm.

"I'm V." I said. I called them up. I watched her the whole time and she's not moving or trying to escape. What's with her? Thats weird.

"V we're heere~" Suga calls while knocking on the window.

"Woah. She's the school director's daughter?" Suga asks me, pointing at her. I nodded.

"She's more than I expected." Jimin smirks, checking her out.

"Okay guys, let's all stop the chit chat and move on." I say, pulling my face mask up to cover half of my face.

They all agreed and sat on the back seat. Jin's driving then I'm the one seated beside Jin. 


I found her trying to remove the rope tied on her hands. Now she's active.

"Don't even try doing that or you'll die earlier than you expected." I roll my eyes, looking outside the window.

"V," she calls. I turn to her.

"What?" I ask, behind my mask.

"Could you remove my blindfold." she says.

"Why would I do that?" I asks.

"Since you're going to kill me later, I wanted to see your face." She says. I remove her blind fold, she won't see my face anyway. Her innocent eyes landed on mine. I felt my cheeks heat up and I look away, Not because I like her, it's because I'm shy when it comes to girls.

"V," She calls again.

She continues, "Why are you like this?"

"My family has been killed by some murderer in our town. My father told me to create another gang ㅡ " I explain, but I stop. Why am I even telling her about this?


"Guys wake up! We're here." I yell. They stretch their arms wide and yawned. I didn't had a chance to sleep because I talked with Yoora.

"That's all you could know about me."I sigh, covering her eyes with the blindfold. I looked outside.

"V,"she called. My eyes turned to her.

"Thank you." She said. I didn't understand what she is thanking me about.

"Okay rascals, let's go." I call out, grabbing her hair, dragging her on the chair.

"Sit." I simply instruct, sealing her wrists with a rope.

"Shoot her." I hand Jungkook my gun, making his eyes widen. He probably did not see this coming.

Jungkook's POV

"Shoot her." V instructs, giving me a gun.

I grab the gun, walking in front of her. I place the gun on her head, preparing to shoot her.

Her innocent eyes, pierces through me, making me hold back what I was about to do. I couldn't pull the trigger like I was told to do. I drop the gun down.

"What now?" V asks me with impatience written all over his face.

"Could you just..leave us for a moment.." I say.

V walks towards me, "We're gonna talk. Later newbie." I gulp in nervousness, feeling myself sweat through my mask as V's index finger poked my forehead rather harshly before motioning the others to leave.

As they all exited the building, I untied her hands . She stands up, hugging me. I blinked a few times. Realizing her action, I push her away.

"I'm sorry." she apologize, wiping her tears. I stayed quiet.

"Thank you." she says, taking a last glance at me. I nod, leaving her alone.


Entering my room, I found V sitting on my bed, waiting for me.

"Hey," he greets.

"What are you doing here?" I asks. He stands up, walking towards me.

"What's with you earlier?" he asks, grabbing me by the collar.

"I can't." I reply, avoiding his dark gaze.

"You joined this gang but you can't fulfill your responsibilities? But you can't back out now, there's no backing out." he raises his voice.

"Pull yourself together Jungkook, I know you're better than this." he says calmy, leaving. I sat down on my bed.

Ugh. What have I done? V trusted me. He gave me his responsibilities even if I just joined a few days ago..

I could kill people before..but I can't do it on her..It's like she has some shield around her and it's holding me back.

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