BTS(5): Meeting Her

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BTS(5):Meeting Her

Jungkook's POV

I went to school before anyone else since I knew V wouldn't want to see me. As I entered the room, the same girl seated beside the window caught my gaze. She's the girl yesterday!

I'm seated quietly on my chair, I notice her passing by. I stand up and followed her.

I grab her hand, making her turn to me. I couldn't talk.


I went straight to my room, lying down on my bed.

"Aish!" I shout, messing my hair in frustration. I remembered her again. The way we caught each other's eyes, the way ㅡ my heart pounds loudly.

"Aish! What's with my heart?!" I yell.

"Why? What's with your heart?" J-Hope asks, closing the door.

"What are you doing here?"I ask him, covering my face with a pillow.

"Don't change the topic. What's with your heart?" He asks again, sitting beside me.

"Nothing."I lied, rolling to the other side of the bed.

"You sure?" He asks.

I sat up,"It's nothing."

"C'mon! I won't tell anyone!" he said, punching my left arm with small fists.

"Fine fine! There's this girl at school,'and I can't introduce myself to her." I gave up.

"Then what's that going to do with your heart?" He tilts his head in confusion.

"Whenever I will come close to her, my heart beats faster than normal." I sigh.

He pushed me which made me fall off my bed. 

"You're inlove!" he yells, happily.

Suga's POV

"You're inlove!" We heard J-Hope yell. We're listening to their conversation with all our ears laid flat on the door. Luckily, that bastard was loud enough for us to hear. We've got our own reactions from what we just heard.

Jin has his mouth covered using his hand with his eyes widened. My eyes widened with my mouth open. RapMon has his eyebrows raised. Jimin looks at me with a puzzled look, not understanding the situation.

Jungkook's POV

"Okay, then. Good night!" He waves his hand as goodbye.

"Hyung wait."


"Promise me, you won't tell anyone."

"I promise." He says, opening the door. The members fall down. They've been listening this whole time?

"I'm not with them."J-Hope raises both of his hands up as if he was surrendering.

"Uhm..Hi??" Suga says awkwardly. I groaned, covering my face with a pillow.

J-Hope's POV

"Has he gone crazy?" I whisper to Suga. He hit my head with a book.

"Aw!" It hurts. I was just asking! It's a hard bound book.

"Idiot. He's practicing." He replies.

"Practicing? He's been talking to the mirror for hours!" I say. He hit my head again twice. We listened to him while he is practicing.

"Yah! What are you two listening in front of the bathroom?!" V yells. We both did a 'ssh' sign but it's too late.

"Stop listening!" Jungkook yells from inside. V smirked. Ugh. This guy really. I tapped Suga's shoulder.

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