BTS(11): Distance

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BTS(11): Distance


It's been a week since I've been distant with Yoora. It didn't help me with my feelings. I miss her. But, I think I should leave her to Jungkook.

"Yah," It's Suga.

"Sup?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

"Why are you being so distant with her?" he asks.

"I'm not the guy that she should be with." I say.

"What do you mean?" he ask.

"I don't know. I don't know what to do.." I sigh.

"You should confess. You should confess to her before Jungkook does. Do it before I change my mind." he says, using Seoul dialect again. I frown at him.

He sighed, "I shouldn't be helping one of you. I should be fair. Now go before I change my mind in ten seconds." 

"One." he mumbles. I run away before he changes his mind.

"Sorry." I apologize as I bump into someone.

"Taehyung wait." It's Yoora. I stop.

"Why are you..why are you not talking to me these days?" she asks.

"It's nothing." I mumble.

"What do you mean 'it's nothing'? Did I do anything bad?" she asks.

I turn around to face her, pinning her against a wall. Her face very close to mine.

"Y-yah.." she calls out.

"You really want to know?" I asks. She nod.

I took a step backward, grabbing her hand, dragging inside our classroom.

Yoora's POV

He lets go of my hand harshly. We stayed silent for a couple of minutes.

"Yoora stop all of this..please.." he says.

"I'm not evenㅡ"

"Stop making me like you.." he says, staring at my eyes.

"Your kindness, your innocence, the way you talk to me, everything about you, is luring me to like yoㅡ"

"That's because I like you Taehyung.." I mumble, looking down on the teacher's table.

His fingers lift my chin up, making me look at him.

"Look at me Yoora, you can't like me. I'm not the man for you. Everything about me is a lie. Don't fall into my trap." he says sternly, leaning forward.
"You can't tell me what to do.." I snap.

He sighs, crashing his lips onto mine. I widen my eyes, paralyzed by his action.

His hand on my right cheek, he brushes his lips against mine. Closing my eyes, I respond.

Pulling away, he stares into my eyes deeply.

"I'm sorry.." he says, before leaving the classroom.

I scoff, sitting down on the table. I touch my lips. He kissed me..for no particular reason..


I shouldn't have done this. I kissed her. I kissed her! I've ruined everything!

I groan in frustration as I slump down on my bed. I toss my shirt across the room. No one would mind if I'm shirtless anyway.

The door bursts open, revealing Yoonji.

"Oppa!" she exclaims happily.

"Shit!" I yell, covering myself using a blanket.

"Omo! Omo! Chocolates!" she jumps up and down.

"Yah!" I scold.

"Omo omo! It's okay oppa! I've seen enough!" she laughs.

"MEETING!" I yell. This is enough.


"Someone's gotta' take care of Yoonji." I say, rubbing my chin with my forefinger.

"What do you mean?" Suga frowns.

"Someone needs to look after her." I explain.

"Why?" Suga asks.

"So that she wouldn't try to open the door while I'm showering, follow me to school, and scream whenever she trespasses through my room, seeing me shirtless." I raise my eyebrows, showing them that I have a point.

"Jimin could make a good guardian for Yoonji." Jungkook suggests, sneezing after.

"Exactly." I snap my fingers, thinking of a new idea.

"Jimin, you should seduce Yoonji! So that she will like you!" I exclaim.

"What??" Jimin stands up.

"Oh come on Jimin, we all know you're good at those things. You even seduced the leader of some sorority to make them get out of the way." I say, making them laugh.

"Fine!" Jimin agrees, laughing a bit.

"It's settled then." I smirk.

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