BTS(17): Accidents Happen

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BTS(17): Accidents Happen

[Warning!: This chapter is rated SPG. It contains language that is not suitable for young readers.]

Yoora's POV

"Yoora?? What the hell??"

I opened my eyes and found Jimin looking at me.

"W-what are you.." he pauses.

I looked around then realized that Jungkook was on top of me, and he was…HALF NAKED!!l

I was about to explain when, "Wait wait, before you explain anything, I need to barf first." Jimin says locking himself inside a cubicle.

"Jungkook-ah. Jungkook-ah. Wake up." I said calmly. He answered me with a groan. I pushed him off me gentlely. I looked at myself and I realized I was wearing Jungkook's dress shirt. D-did something happen between us last night??

"Jungkook-ah, wear this.." I said handing him his shirt. He did follow me.

"Jungkook-ah," I called.

"What?" he asks coldly.

I gulped, "Did..something happen..between us..last night??" I asked.

"We.." he got cut off when Jimin came out of the cubicle.

"Oh. Jungkook you're awake. Now Yoora explain." he says.

"I'm leaving." Jungkook says then leaves the bathroom.

"I don't know if something did happen between us.." I reply.

"Then how are you going to explain this?" he asks.

"Jimin please. If something did happen between us, please don't tell V.." I begged.

"Okay. I was just looking for an explanation.." he agrees. I thanked him and left the bathroom.


As I walked in the corridor, I had my fingers crossed, hoping that I could talk to Jungkook and find an answer from him. I entered the classroom and placed my bag on my seat. I waited for him to come. But a few minutes later, he's taking too long. I walked out of the classroom and tried to look for him.

I was walking when I bumped someone.

"Sorry." I said. I looked up, it was Jungkook. He was about to walk when I grabbed his wrist.

"What is it?" he asks.

"You did not answer my question yesterday. Did something happen between us in the party?" I asked, gulping.

"What if I say there is? Will you accept the fact that you fucking had sex with me??" he says. My eyes widened at his language and his answer.

"So something did happen??" I asked, clarifying his answer. He just walked away. My tears streamed down my cheeks.

I sat down beside the wall. I'm going to skip the first subject. I can't remember anything like that, but I remember that I did drank a few shots last night.. I'm quite weak in drinking alchohol. It's my weakness.


J-Hope's POV

"Have you seen Yoora?" I asked Namjoon. He shook his head.

"She skipped the first two subjects and I can't find her.." I say then started walking around the halls to find her.

I found her at the corridor beside the school garden.

"Yoora." I called making her look at me.

"Oh. Hoseok, it's you.." she says wiping her eyes.

"Yah.." I said as I sat beside her.

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