TMI High 11

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Clary's pov.

Sunday goes by pretty quickly. I go to bed early so I won't be tired at school. I sit awake with my eyes open for a while, then I finally drift off to sleep.

It seems like I'v only been asleep for a few minutes when my alarm goes off. I get up, take a shower, and get dressed in jeans and a plain green tee shirt that brings out the color of my eyes. I go down stairs grab a granola bar and head out the door.

When I get outside I see a familiar figure leaning on my car. Simon is already outside waiting for me.

"You're late!" he says as soon as he sees my.

"No I'm not I-" I take Simons arm and look at his watch. "Oh, crap!" I say letting go of his arm and jumping into the front seat of my car. He gets in the passengers side. I'm not to late. School hasn't started yet, and if there's no traffic the we might be on time.

When we pull into the parking lot we only have four minutes to go to our lockers and get to class. I stop the car and jump out. Simon and I both head quickly toward the building.

I get to class a minute late. The door is still open and the teacher has her back turned to me, so I try to sneak in with out her noticing. This doesn't work.

"Why hello, miss Fray." she says without turning around. My God, she's good at this teacher stuff. How does she know its me.

"Sorry." I say cringing at the fact that I got caught.

"It's only a minute, just have a seat." Thank God shes a nice teacher. Most teachers would have counted me as tardy, even if it was only 60 seconds. I take a seat. Izzy is reapplying some lipgloss. I look around the room and my eyes drift to Jace. He winks at me.

The teacher starts off class with instructions for an upcoming project. I keep looking up at the clock to find I still have 45 minutes of class left. I start to drift off into a day dream and forget that the teacher is talking. I jump when the bell rings, almost falling out of my seat. I head out the door to my math class.

The next three periods go by pretty quickly and now its time for gym. Gym is the worst part of the day. I never really noticed it last week, but Jace is in my gym class. Jace can't see me run! He so in shape and muscular and I cant even run a mile without most passing out. I get dressed and head outside to the track. I start to run but then slow down when I hear my name called from behind me and footsteps growing louder. I already know it's Jace.

"Hey Clary." he says slowing his pace so he can jog next to me.

"Hey" I say looking up at him.

"I was thinking you could come over today and we could start our science project. It's going to be me, Izzy, Alec, and you, if you want to join our group."

"Whats the science project?" I ask.

"Oh, you know, the one we talked about in class."

"I must have missed that part." I reply sheepishly.

He smirks at me. "Clary. The only thing we talked about in class was the science project."

"Really?" I don't really remember anything that happened in science.

"What? To busy thinking about me to pay attention?" he smirks at me.

"Yeah" I say "right." Although it was kind of true. I would never admit it though. " Yeah, I'll come over"

"Great!" he says and then runs ahead of me. Thank goodness, I'm starting to run out of breath.

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