TMI High 1

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Clary's pov.



I reach over to my bed side table and search for the snooze button. Once I find it I roll out of bed and stumble into the bathroom. I take a quick shower and dry my hair. I brush my teeth and pull my hair up into a loose ponytail. I start looking through my closet for something to wear on my first day of school.

I come into the kitchen wearing a black short sleeve tee shirt, blue jeans, and a pair and red vans. I guess I don't really dress to impress.

"Good morning" my mom says from the kitchen table.

"Good morning" I say in return.

"All we have is cereal and fruit" she says pointing to the counter.

"I'll just have an apple. I have to get going anyway. I'll see you after school." I say as I close the door and bite into my apple.

I just moved here this summer from a different part of New York. My mom got engaged to her best friend, Luke, and they decided to move to the city. I don't really know a lot of people. The only friend I really have is Simon. He lives next door and helped us with our stuff when we were moving in. I hung out with him this summer and now we're practically best friends. I just hope I can make some new friends at my new school. Making friends is usually hard for me because i'm not very social.

Simon and I decide to car pool. He meets me outside and we both leave in my car.

When we get out of the car there are a few groups standing outside talking and reuniting after a whole summer apart.

Simon and I head inside and get our schedule. Since its the first day of school, everyone gets their schedule today. I look down at mine.








I look at Simons and we only have three classes together, art, english, and geography. Great what am I going to do about the other four classes.

"Well, lets go see where our lockers are!" simon says as we start heading down the hallway.

We put our things in our lockers which are pretty close together, but his is on the other side of the hallway.

"See ya in art." he says. "good luck!"


I walk into my first class and sit next to a tall lanky girl with long jet black hair. She gives me a funny look then goes back to texting. Are we allowed to text in class?

The teacher comes in and she puts her phone away quickly.

"Good morning class. My name is Mrs. Mathews. Today I will give you you your syllabus and then I will hand out a work sheet that you will work with the person next to you to complete."

I hear moans around the room.

"Oh! We also have one of our new students, Clary Fray, in this class."

I stand up, feel everyones eyes on me and quickly sit down.


The teacher looks at the girl next to me and gives her a waning glare then looks at me and quickly changes it to a smile.

"Hopefully you two can become good friends..." She mouths 'be nice' to Isabelle as if I cant see her.

Someone across the room snickers and I see Isabelle glare in that direction. I look over and see a tall boy who is... I guess you could say golden. He has golden wavy hair and bright gold eyes. His skin is smooth and tanned to the perfect shade. He has perfectly straight teeth and a smile even better than his teeth. I cant seem to pull my eyes away until I notice he's not just smiling, he's smiling at me!


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