They Realize They Like You (Jesse's gang)

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Decided to crank this out while I was at college :3 sorry it's pretty quick but I just couldn't help myself and had to make it! I hope it's good!

- Ghost

Male!Jesse: Jesse knows that he liked you from the second that he first saw you, as unusual as it was. It was probably the most cliché moment in his entire life but when he saw your face, so bright-eyed, warm and welcoming as you introduced yourself to him he just knew that he wanted to get to know you more; just being around you that first meeting brought a smile to his face and he'll be damned if he wasn't smiling for the rest of your encounter. (Plus you got along great with Ruben too which really proved to seal the deal)

Female!Jesse: Jesse doesn't realize how much she likes you until one of your many training matches. She was trying to help you get used to wielding a sword and give you tips on how to best use it when she noticed how alive and determined you looked, with passion and pride radiating in every swing of your sword and smouldering in your eyes and it makes her heart leap into her throat at the sigh. This of course left her off guard and you ended up knocking her down moments later but Jesse can't find it in herself to care in the slightest.

Olivia: You're always there to support Olivia and offer he advice whenever she needs it which she's always grateful for, but there's one time where it admittedly wasn't one of her best days and to say she was frustrated was a understatement, but even with her sour mood you somehow managed to calm her down as if she was never frustrated in the first place, helping her level her head with encouraging words and comforting gestures. She doesn't quite know how that changed things between you but since then she definitely sees you from a different perspective

Axel: He let you borrow one of his sweaters when the weather was getting colder, all in a friendly gesture he swears but seeing you wander around in the garment (which was a few sizes too big on you he can't help but notice) looking so giddy and pleased whenever you're able to playfully boop him on the nose (or face really) with the baggy sleeves he feels a sense of protectiveness wash over him wanting to keep you smiling and happy as you are now. With that being said from that moment forward he'll definitely let you wear his stuff more often from now on.

Petra: It was right in the middle of a fight, the pair of you taking down hoards of mobs in the dead of night in order to make your way back to town and things were going to plan – the two of you were slicing through the mobs like nothing and Petra can't help but notice how well you guys work together. She's not used to working with a team during these little escapades but having you with her working in tandem to reach your goal as if you can read each other's thoughts makes her feel something spark in her as the rush of the fight keeps them both going.

Human!Ruben: There aren't many people who give him the time of day especially considering he isn't the most active talker, but that never stopped you from actively seeking him out and helping him break out of his shell. If he didn't want to talk you'd always be there to fill in the silence and help him out of every unfortunate situation he finds himself in – even the Jesse's trusted you alone with him confident that you meant no harm and that really means a lot to Ruben, so it's no surprise that he starts looking forward to your visits, his face growing warm when he thinks about you

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