Lukas X Reader: Writing

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Requested by the wonderful SpacyDeep I'm sorry this took so long! I've been pretty ill for a while and I've only just gotten my thoughts back in working order! ;v; with that being said this probably isn't one of my best works but I still really hope that it turned out okay!

I sincerely hope that you enjoy~!

- Ghost

The sun was just barely starting to set by the time you'd made it back home, casting the house in a vibrant orange glow to pave way to the evening as you stepped through the doorway, yawning as you closed the door behind you with a swift nudge of your foot. Stretching languidly you allowed a relieved sigh to pass your lips glad that you were finally beck in the safety of your home, your posture going lax as you stripped yourself of your weapons and bags; you let your sword rest against the wall adjacent to you and made a mental note to put it somewhere more ideal later as your attention turned to focus on your surroundings.

The house was surprisingly silent, something that wasn't too uncommon when you were the only one at home, however in your haste to get back inside you'd noticed that Lukas was already at home, his boots placed right beside the door clearly indicating that he'd been back for quite a while. With this in mind you took a few steps into the house, eyes wandering to the living room doorway hoping to catch sight of your partner before sliding over to it and peeking curiously inside.

"Hey Lukas, you in-!" You paused taking in the empty living room, genuinely surprised that Lukas wasn't in his usual spot and you cocked your head with a confused pout.

"" You backtracked back into the entryway, clicking your tongue as you swivelled around to peruse the other doorways silently wondering which room the blond could be in; the house was relatively sized so that left a good few minutes of wandering around trying to find him if you wanted to look for him, however you were exhausted after the long day, leaving that option all but void as your attention switched from door to door.

Fortunately though you had perfected a tactic ideal for figuring out exactly where he was.

"LUKAS! ARE YOU HERE? WHERE ARE YOU???!!!" you yelled, bringing your hands up to help amplify your voice as it echoed around the house.

A moment of silence followed, lasting no longer than a beat before you finally garnered your answer. "(Y/N)? I'm in here!" Grinning your attention snapped over to your left.

The Library - of course.

You made swift work making your way across to the Library door, pushing at the door enough for you to slip into the room and your eyes scanned the area eager to catch sight of the boy in question. Luckily it didn't take long for you to spot him and you grinned upon noticing him.

He was hunched over one of the tables on the far side of the room, pen in hand making quick work filling in one of the few blank pages left in the book he was working with and your expression lit up as you quickly made your way further into the room, curiosity piquing as you walked over to Lukas' side. Peering over his shoulder your eyes scanned over the words as he wrote them, expression softening as you smiled realizing he was documenting down the latest adventure the pair of you had been on with the New Order of The Stone. You remembered this one fondly (even if you did regret not bringing your armor during that particular bout of trouble) and found yourself chuckling silently reading over the endearing parts - he was even including some of the more ridiculous moments of the adventure!

After taking a few more seconds to look over the words you finally moved, bringing your hands to rest on his shoulders as you leaned over to make yourself visible to Lukas as you spoke up. "Ah I remember that one - it went pretty well if you forget all the parts where we were running for our lives"

This earnt a small laugh from Lukas who stopped writing to turn his attention to you, quirking a smile in your direction as he smiled. "Yeah it was pretty crazy; I specifically remember you screaming louder than the rest of us" you faked a pout and huffed, rolling your eyes at his teasing as you took a few steps back, giving him enough room to swivel around to face you directly.

"For the record it was justified! I was the last one out of there you can't blame me for being at least a little concerned about getting trapped!" you shot back, biting back a smile upon seeing the look of mirth dancing across his features as you retorted.

"Anyway enough about me - you look like you've been here for a while; how long have you been writing today anyway? An hour? or maybe twelve?"

It was clearly meant as a joke as you playfully nudged his arm with a smirk, however in response Lukas' expression wavered and his eyes darted back to the book, smile faltering as he chuckled nervously.

The smirk slowly fell from your face, replaced with a knowing frown as you crossed your arms with realisation dawning on you. "Lukas..." your tone was warning, unamusement beginning to set in as he brought a gloved hand to rub the back of his neck.

"I know I promised to take a break - and I will! - I just...wanted to get it all written down while it's still fresh in my mind" your expression softened at his words, watching his eyes drift back to the nearly completed book and you sighed.

"Lukas you've been working on it for almost three days straight; if you don't have a break soon I swear I'll have to carry you to go rest up or something" While you had to admit watching Lukas' face turn a light shade of pink at your words was pretty funny you still wanted to be serious (or try to be by any means) enough to get your point across as you continued.

"Come on, what harm is a small break going to do? You've been working hard enough you deserve the rest!"

Lukas went silent for a moment, eyes locking with yours before ultimately sighing. "I guess it has been a while since I've been away from writing..." your expression lit up and you grinned triumphantly as he swivelled back around and closed the book, hands brushing over the cover before he slipped it back into the bookcase; you shuffled closer to him and brought your hands to rest back upon his shoulders, tone a lot lighter as you chirped.

"I'm sure the history books can wait for the next chapter of adventures - for now let's go get something to eat; I've perfected a new recipe that'll be perfect for the occasion!" pressing a brief peck to his cheek you patted his shoulders.

"Well that certainly sounds like a plan" you grinned bashfully as he returned the gesture with a kiss of his own, your cheeks dusting red as you took his words as an opportunity to coax him out of his seat and lead him towards the door.

"Let's get to it then! To the kitchen!" Lukas chuckled at your enthusiasm but let you lead him, expression softening as a warm smile graced his face.

"Lead the way"

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