Radar X Reader: Calm

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This was requested by cakesysnakes a while back ^^ sorry it took so long hun I wasn't sure how to end it but I still hope that it turned out okay! Thanks for requesting~! :D

- Ghost

"(Y/N)? Are you coming? Axel and Olivia are nearly here!"

You perked up at the voice that pulled you away from your book, attention shooting over to Jesse as he stood in the doorway, watching the broad grin spread on his face upon seeing your expression light up at his words. Closing the book you had previously been using you left it forgotten at your desk as you nearly toppled out of your chair trying to stand up, bolting across the room and over to the leader's side as a grin spread across your face; you didn't even give him a moment more to speak before you were sliding past him, dragging him along with you by the crook of his arm as you navigated through the halls and rooms of the house, eager to see your friends again after what felt like so long.

"Hey, slow down you don't even know where they are yet" Jesse chuckled, amused by your enthusiasm as you turned to look at him over your shoulder.

"We'll find them sooner if we look around enough! So come on!" you retorted, laughing as you pressed on, your eyes eagerly scanning the rooms you passed in hopes of catching a glimpse of the people in question.

It had felt as though it had been so long since you'd had the chance to see your old friends, with everyone swamped with their own respective work and duties it was hard for any of you to find enough time off to all meet up once again, so the prospect of seeing them made you absolutely ecstatic something you were sure Jesse shared with you as he hurried to match up with your pace. Of course it wouldn't feel like a complete reunion without Petra and Lukas due to them being out of town during Axel's and Olivia's arrival, but you were just glad to have some of the gang back together even if it was only for a day or two; you could worry about their absence later though, for now you had some old friends to catch up with.

It didn't take either of you long before you'd finally managed to track them down in the main hall and you couldn't have opened the doors faster if you tried, hearing the doorframes rattle as they burst open and you rushed inside. Both people present in the room turned around to face you two and their expressions lit up upon noticing it was you and jesse and you grinned and raced over to them, your excitement upon seeing your companions again clearly mirrored in their equally content expressions.

"Axel! Olivia! You guys are really here!" you cried out, barely making it to their sides before Axel scooped you up into his arms, barking out a loud laugh as you buried your face into his chest and attempted to return the hug as hard as you could, giggling as you greeted him.

"Looking good Axel! I've missed you so much big guy! - And your hugs!" he was hugging you a bit too tight but you couldn't care in the slightest, relishing the contact as much as you could before he let you back down onto your feet again.

With you out of his arms Axel turned to Jesse as he came to join the group and promptly scooped him up as he'd done with you and you laughed hearing the yell of surprise he made as Axel buried him in his hold. You turned your attention away from the pair and looked to Olivia, watching her warm, welcoming smile brighten as you practically engulfed her in an embrace. "Olivia I'm so glad to see you - and look at you! Just as beautiful as I remember it's like you haven't aged a day!" she chuckled as your hands cupped her cheeks taking in her appearance as she replied.

"I could say the same, (y/N) - it's been a while and yet you're still as lively as ever" smirking you pulled away and jabbed a thumb towards Jesse, who was stumbling a bit trying to regain his bearings after Axel's hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2017 ⏰

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