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*Christmas Day*
*Milana's POV*

I woke up to the feeling of Jack poking my sides.
"Princess wake uppp" Jack said while continuing to poke my sides.
"Jack what time is it?"
"Ughhhh.... nooo.." I groaned and pulled a pillow over my head.
"Baby cmon" Jack said grabbing the pillow from me and throwing it.
I groaned and finally decided to get out of bed. I got to the door with Jack following behind me eagerly. We walked out of his apartment down to mine to see my parents sitting on my couch waiting for me and Jack.

"Hey guys where's Jacob?"
"He's still in bed." My mom said looking a little annoyed.
I shrugged it off and went into the extra room to wake up Jacob.

"JACOB WAKE UPPP IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!" I yelled out jumping on my brother. Jacob rolled over falling off the bed.
"Ow. That hurt." Jacob said standing up and sitting on the edge of the bed.
"I'm sorry you had to come here." I said to Jacob knowing he's not happy about being here.
"Eh I really don't care now. I'm happy I get to spend Christmas with you."
"Aw Jacob!" I said pulling my brother into a tight hug. We were interrupted by hearing a door slam.
"What the fuck?" I said looking at Jacob and quickly getting up and running out the bed room door.
"What's going on?" I said walking into my living room noticing only my parents were there.
"Where's Jack??"
"He's gone!" My dad said angrily.
"Ummm what the fuck? Why?"
"You don't need to see him anymore. He's a douche!" My dad said. I looked at him with the most disgusted look.
"Get out!! Get out of my fucking apartment! Get your shit and leave!" I yelled running out through door down to jacks apartment. I swung the door open to see jacks bed room door open. I ran inside his room and saw him sitting on his bed, his back facing me.
"Jack..." He turned around looking at me.
"Hey.." He said softly.
"Baby what happened?"
"Your parents think I'm cheating."
"What... why?"
"They saw a message from Vanessa."
"What message?" I said to him angrily.
"Here." He said handing me his phone.
I grabbed his phone and read the message from Vanessa.

Vanessa❤: Gm Jack! Merry Christmas love!
Jack: morning Vanessa. Merry Christmas!
Vanessa❤: love you jacky!
Jack: Ily
*end of texts*

"Why we're you texting her anyway?" I said with slight annoyance in my voice.
"Baby all she said was Merry Christmas. What's the big deal?"
"The big deal Jack is that you're STILL texting your ex." I said rolling my eyes at him.
"All we said was Merry Christmas!!"
"And I love you. There was an I love you. Do you still love her Jack do you wanna be with her?" I yelled at him with tears forming in my eyes.
"No, Mil I wanna be with you. I love you more. I don't love her. I just said that to make her feel better. I didn't wanna hurt you baby. I didn't think it was a big deal." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me next to him.
"Well it is a big deal Jack. I don't care if it was to make her feel better. I don't like her Jack. You know that." I said pulling my hand away from him and standing up.
"Baby come here." Jack said grabbing my hand again. I yanked my hand out of his grip and walked out of his room. He didn't follow. I thought he would follow but he didn't.

I walked over to my apartment opening the door and closing it behind me. Realizing my parents had actually left with my brother made me more upset then I already was. I was alone on Christmas day.

*Jack's POV*

I can't believe I fucked up. I can't believe texting Vanessa would ruin my day with Mil. I had a wonderful day planned and I'm not gonna let that get ruined because of some stupid ex girlfriend.  I got out of bed quickly getting dressed and running down to Milana's room opening her door to find her laying on the couch asleep. Instead of disturbing her I turned around and shut her door. I was walking down to my apartment room as I heard jack call my name.
"Jack? Hey man wait up!"
"Yeah dude?"
"Why aren't you with Mil?"
"We uh.. We broke up? Yeah we broke up."
"Dude that sucks. Im so sorry man.."
"Yeah bro..."
"What happened dude?"
"We had our differences"
"Oh alright man"
"I'm gonna go for a walk."

I walk down the stairs of the apartment building. I take a left and keep walking. I walk for hours before I realized that I was becoming dark. I started looking around and realized I didn't know where I was.

Milana's POV

I was awoken by J shaking me.
"J what's going on?" I yawned sitting up staring at him.
"Jack's disappeared. He went walking and I can't find him"
"What????" I jumped up running into my room throwing on leggings and a t-shirt with Jack's hoodie and my winter boots running out the door grabbing J and running down the stairs jumping in my car.
"Which way did he go??"
"I don't know.."
"Which way did he go J???"
"Mil I don't know.."
"Oh my God.." I started crying and hit my head on the steering wheel.
"Why don't you just call him?"
"He left his phone at my place."
"Let's just drive. Go left."

Jack's POV

I looked around and saw children running around a play ground and saw homeless people sitting on benches and old people staring lovingly at each other and teenagers walking around the track hand in hand. I then realized I was no longer in Omaha anymore. I didn't have a cellphone to call Mil or j or anyone. I walked over and sat down on a bench. I was staring at one little girl running around holding a little boys hand. They looked to be 4 or 5 but they looked so happy with each other. I then looked at a couple walking around the track holding hands, talking, laughing. I want that. I want that with Mil. I don't think she wants me tho. That's why I told j we broke up. I don't think she loves me anymore.

Milana's POV

We drove for 2 hours looking for Jack.
"I give up J. We left Omaha. We're 2 hours away from home. I don't wanna drive anymore. I'm tired and I just wanna cry."
"Just pull over. We can go sit at one of these benches or something." I pull into a parking lot of some playground with no one around but one person sitting on a bench. We get out of the car and walk up and sit on the bench next to the random person just sitting there staring ahead.
"Excuse me? Are you ok?" I ask the person.
"Uh yeah I'm just far from home. Got no car or phone so I'm probably just gonna stay here."
"I'm sorry sir."
"It's whatever. What are you doing out so late Mil?"
"Wait what?"
"It's me Mil. Jack."
"What did you say?"
"My name's Jason..."
"Oh I thought you said something else.. uh I'm Milana."
"I'm Jack but call me j."
"Alright. Hi Mil and j. What are you guys doing here? It's like almost midnight."
"We're looking for our friend Jack. Have you seen him?"
"Uh no."
Me and j turned back and faced forward.
"We're never gonna find him J"

Jack's POV

I was looking at the other side of this pretty big park and noticed 3 people on benches. One of them was on a cellphone. Maybe I can ask them to use their phone so I can call J to come get me. I got up and started walking towards the figures in the dark I couldn't really see the people's faces but they seemed to be sad.

Milana's POV

Me and j were looking in the distance and saw some one looking towards us. They seemed to be a male figure very tall we couldn't make out much of the person from the distance. As they got closer and closer I noticed how much the figure kinda looked like Jack.
"J that figure looks like Jack"
"Your hallucinating Mil."
"Jack? Is that you?" I said out to the man walking towards us.


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