The Exo

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Warnings : cursing

Cayde-6...or Cayde as you called him. Sure you two weren't super close or anything but anytime you could catch a glimpse of him or just exchange a solid 'hi' would make your heart flutter. Amanda had been on your ass the past couple of weeks about how she could tell you had feelings for the Exo but you would never actually admit it, you would always say, 'it's not even like that, Amanda, we're just friends'. Cayde was special to you and had always had a special place in your heart, every time you saw him at the noodle shop you would always join him just to exchange jokes and a few laughs. You had always been scared to accept the fact that maybe your feelings for Cayde had actually grown into something more but you needed to keep things professional so you started avoiding him and kept to your self. Having to turn in your mission reports to him didn't exactly help when he tried to make small talk, you always said, 'Well if you need anything else just let me know I have to get going.' He always frowned and it hurt you more than words could describe. Were you really doing it for the greater good?

~A Week Later~

You had been stuck up in your room the pass few days and Amanda had made a effort to stop by and bring you some food. There was a knock at the door, "Red, it's me, c'mon we need to talk, open up. You can't keep doing this to yourself it's not good...." you sat on the edge of your bed contemplating whether you should let her in or not but she was right, this isn't right.

You got up and opened the door to see Amanda with a bowl of spicy ramen...Cayde's favorite. "What's up" you said with a small fake smile

"What's up is you and Cayde. Look I know you don't want to talk about it but you're not only hurting yourself. You're hurting Cayde." Those words made your heart ache, his name alone always did. You never meant to hurt anyone especially Cayde. "Cayde likes you, Red, and I know damn well you like him. If you really want this...If you really want him, then you need to fix this before it's too late."

"I don't know what to say to him. I've been avoiding him for the past couple of weeks, I've even sent my mission reports to Luna so I wouldn't have to see him. I doubt he even cares at this point....I fucked up..." tears started to well in your eyes, you had no clue how to fix the mess you had gotten yourself into.

Amanda crossed the room to sit on the edge of your bed and patted next to her for you to sit. You complied. "If Cayde really does mean something to you then I'm willing to help you, you know I would be willing to help you with anything right?" She wrapped a arm around you for comfort "He's upset, like won't even make a sarcastic ass joke about Ikora or Zavala upset." You made a soft chuckle. You missed Cayde's stupid remarks about things, he could always make you laugh even when you didn't want to.

"Alright. I'll do it. Just help me figure this out." Amanda gave you small smile as you both proceeded to leave your room.

~20 minutes later~

You and Amanda walked over to the noodle shop and of course found the gloomy Exo sitting with a bowl a spicy ramen that he had barely touched. You pulled at Amanda's shoulder before you came into Cayde's view "I can't do this 'manda....what if he hates me?" You were whispering back and fourth to each other.

"Listen, you either do this now or you find someone else to love. Got it?" Red let out a sigh before nodding in agreement. Amanda walked over to Cayde with Red a couple steps behind her. "Hey there you big bag of bolts! Haven't seen you lingering around here in awhile." Amanda started and looked back at you then to him as a sign that said 'speak to him already!'

Slowly you approached the two, as you came into his view his optics grew big and looked to Amanda as if he was asking for help "H-hey Cayde...Long time no see.." 'yeah, I wonder why dumbass' you thought to yourself. After a few minutes of awkward silence Amanda spoke up just to make you hate this plan even more.

"Look I've got to go do a few repairs on a ship soooo...have fun you two!" She gave you a wink and walked off leaving you and the Exo alone.

"Look Cayde-" before you could finish he cut you off.

"Please let me explain...I should've told you before this got out of hand, it's my fault and I'm sorry if I hurt you-" Red's heart was pounding at this point, her eyes threatening to spill tears down her cheeks. This was either going in one of two directions and it seemed it was going in the one she didn't favor.

Suddenly Red turned and walked off with a fast pace with tears streaming down her face. She only turned back to say "I'm sorry, Cayde..." with that she started to run back to her room and slam the door behind her. She slumped down with her back still against the door and cried for what seemed to be hours. How could a human love a Exo? Was it even possible? Red's cries seemed to stop when she heard footsteps creeping towards her door. There was the slightest knock as a soft voice spoke. It was Amanda. "...Red....look I know you don't want to talk right now but come find me tomorrow, alright? You need some sleep, I love ya kid." Red looked around the room as if she was searching for a clue to all of this. A part of her wish Cayde ran after her to comfort and hold her while he told her everything was going to be okay. Red walked across the room and had a warm bath while she let all the thoughts roam around her mind. She needed to fix this and she needed to do it fast.

(A/N okay so I feel like there are barely any Cayde x stories so I thought I put this out here :) also if it seems like part two is taking forever please bug me in the comments so I can stop being lazy and write it!) also haven't made any corrections yet so if you see any I'll get to them I promise!

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