~Chapter Four~

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Later that day, Zoe is texting Alana,

Z: [Hey! It's Zoe.]

Alana positively shrieks in excitement.

A: [Hey Zoe! So glad you decided to text me!]

Z: [Yeah! Why wouldn't I? You seemed like a pretty cool chick at the football game.]


A: [You too! So what are you up to today?]

Z: [Nothin much. Probably gonna do homework or smth. Boring I know.]

A: [Boring but necessary. You need help with any if it? I could come tutor you. :)]

Z: [That'd be great! I usually struggle with Spanish..]

A: [I'm fluent in it! I've got a pen pal that speaks it, I'd be happy to help!]

Z: [Thank you so much! When are you free?]

A: [I've got to run some errands, but I can be over by one? What's your address?]

She continues to give her, her address and she giggles. Smiling so wide.

A: [All right, see you then, Zoe!]

Zoe gets up hurries down to her dad.

"Dad, can a friend come over to help me with my homework?"

"Hm? Yeah, go ahead, Zoe."

"Thanks!" She is so excited on the inside but chill on the outside.

"Mhm. Where's your brother, by the way, the house is abnormally quiet."

"I think he either left or is in the porch out back." Larry sighs.

"Alright." Connor is indeed out back. There he goes again, smoking. Zoe stops by him on the way back upstairs.

"I have a deal I wanna make with you."

"Shoot." He's chill when he's high.

"So, this will benefit both of us. Mom and dad are catching onto us, about... Y'know. I was wondering if you could "fake date" this girl that I really like."

".... You want me to pretend to date some chick? How am I supposed to get any dick, Zo?"

"Because I'm pretending to date Evan Hansen. Which means he'll be over a lot."

"... And you think Evan Hansen wants anything to do with me? Seriously?"

"You can always try. I know for a fact that he's bi." Jared might have told one person. But he trusts her.

"Hmph... I guess."

"Thank you. She'll be over later."

"He's cute too..." He's out of it, don't mind him.

"Alright alright.. Just don't bother us." Soon one rolls around And Zoe is waiting patiently in her living room. Sitting on her phone. Alana comes to the door and knocks, perfectly on time as usual. Zoe is up at the door as soon as she hears the knocks.

"Hey!" There's a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Afternoon! Ready to get on that español?" she grins. Zoe giggles and nods her head, letting her in.

"So are we the only ones here?"

"I wish. My parents are out but Connors here."

"Ah. So... " speak of the devil, Connor comes walking through the room, heading for the kitchen.

"Alana, disappointment. Wait, Alana?"

"Hi, Connor!"

"SHE'S the girl?"

"Good, so you already know her."

"The girl?" Alana is confused.

"Don't worry about it.."

"All right."

"Larry's gonna kill me, you know that, right?"

"Why? He's only homophobic."

"Because he's an asshole and doesn't. Like. Alana. Remember when I was forced to give that presentation for the middle school open house? She was my partner. Larry found her annoying and obviously had some issues with uh, being a fuckin casual racist."


"Shit... he'll have to get over it. He has to."

"Can... Someone explain what's going on? Should I not be here?"

"Just.... c'mon. I'll talk to you later Connor." Connor mumbles about how he's fucked up in agreeing to this, no matter how cute Evan is. Alana is REALLY confused. Zoe takes her up to her room.

"Okay okay, um, so I'm pretending to date Evan. We aren't actually together. But Connor is gay so I told him that if he wanted Evan to be here more often, then he would have to pretend to date you so you could be here more often too...." Alana blushes.

"S-so that... I would be here?"



"Is.... is that bad?"

"No! No, it's, it's great!" Zoe sighs in relief.

"I... I'd love to be around more, I... I can pretend Connor is my boyfriend."

"Really? Thank you! I would just ask for you to just come around more often but this also helps sorta throw my parents off guard about him being gay."

"No problem! So... Why are you pretending to date Evan?"

"Well.... It sorta works out with him being able to come over more often for Connor aaaaaand it helps throw my parents off guard about me being gay too......" Alana is loving this turn of events.

"Oh!" she smiles.

"What a coincidence!"


"Well- well I'm a lesbian!"

"No way, me too!" She laughs.

"That's just crazy!" Alana giggles.

"So- so I'd totally pretend to date Connor." This is the best day of Zoe's life. And It might get better.

"It'd definitely confuse my mom, because she knows I'm Gay, but I'm sure she doesn't really need to know about Connor anyway."

"Yeah. I'd rather her know about me instead."

"A-About you?" Alana blushes and grins. Zoe smiles so wide with a deep blush on her face.

"Zoe Murphy, are you asking me to be your girlfriend?"


"Well... Sure."

"Oh.... my god, this is the best day of my life." Alana laughs.

"Well... Would it be even better if I asked to kiss you?"

"........ y-yeah. Absolutely."

"Then come kiss me, Zo." Zoe leans over to kiss her softly, setting her hands gently on her waist. Alana slides her hands to Zoe's cheeks, loving every second of it. When they part, Zoe just looks into her eyes and giggles. Alana giggles back and Connor lumbers in, looks at them, mumbles about how they get to be lesbians but he's sad and lonely, and heads for his room.

"It'll get better!!"

"Yeah Yeah..."

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