~Chapter Six~

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"Do you want to stay over tonight?"


"Awesome." They continue to make-out, forgetting that they're still on Skype with Michael and Jeremy.

"... Jer, should we leave?"

"Please leave." Jared yells to his lap top.

"Well damn, fine, be safe kids." Michael chuckles and hangs up. Evan giggles against Jared's lips. Jeremy looks to Michael.

"Well I guess he did it then."

"That's good. I was tired of hearing about how he wished he could."

"Yeah...." he sighs, laying upside down on his bed.

"You good, Jer?"

"Mhm. Why?"

"Sounded like a pretty heavy sigh there."

"It's.... it's fine. What do you want to do now?"

"Whatever I guess."

"We could... get high?"

"I definitely like how you think, dude." Jeremy grins? Siting up right on his bed. He always loves to get high with him. Michael gets up.

"Lemme just get my shit and we'll get lit, man."

"Still shot gunning? Cause I can't do it with out coughing for the life of me."

"Yeah, we can shotgun. But only cause you're my best friend and I respect your want to get high."

"What are best friends for?"

"Smokin grass and eatin ass?" Jeremy snickers.

"Let's get it, Heere, be ready for at least one of those things." Jeremy mumbles.

"Or both.."

"What was that, Jerbear?" he grabs his stash and contemplates: Roll a blunt or use the bong? Blunt probably.

"I said get your ass over here so we can get high." He's teasing. Michael chuckles.

"No fuckin patience, I swear. This is why nobody's going to homecoming with you."

"Not like I was going anyway..."

"Could go stag. I'd go stag with you."

"Nah, it's fine. Rich would probably find a way to embarrass me anyway."

"Aw, dude, but we're seniors. You whine about wanting to go every year, this is your last chance, you hopeless romantic you."

"......... fine."

"There ya go. Now help me find my lighter before I give up and we stay sober" Jeremy does, finding it under the bed.

"Fuckin sweet, time to light up." and he does. And fifteen minutes later, they're laying on the floor, Michael's speakers pulsating with some bass-heavy, slow song. Michael laughs with his eyes closed, blunt between his fingers. Jeremy is laying close next to him, close enough for them to still shotgun. But he swears that they're faces get close every time they do it.

"... Another?" Michael mumbles after taking another slow hit.

"Mhmmm." Michael takes another before turning to carefully breathe it into Jeremy's mouth, faces millimeters away. Jeremy takes it, pauses after for how close their faces are. He blushes deeply and turns away again. Michael looks away as well, taking yet another hit, focusing on the music. Jeremy shrinks next to Michael, one of his arms around around him.

"... What color are you gonna wear?"

"Maybe a dark blue...."

"Want to match? Or is that too Gay?" His voice is so deep when he's this relaxed...

"I think you'll look better in black..." he knows they will match like that. Blue and black go well together.

"Gotcha. Black it is." Jeremy smiles warmly? Warming up to the situation.

"Dark red shirt maybe? A nice button up? I look good in button ups..."

"Yeah you do,"

"Thanks man." Jeremy rolls his eyes and huffs into a small laugh.

"You gonna go for a whole ass suit?"

"Probably not... would I look good in a button up too?"

"Course you would. You look great in all sorts of things."

"Like what?"

"A lot. regular t-shirts, button ups, formal wear, casual wear, my hoodie."

"You think I look good in your hoodie?"

"I think you look amazing in my hoodie, Jer." He grins, sitting up to get his jacket from the floor and throwing it over him. Michael blinks in confusion.

"...huh?" Jeremy curls up next to him. He smells like him to.

"...I uh... I also think you'd look good in JUST my hoodie." He's taking a chance. He's high as hell and really hoping this works. Jeremy smiles up at him, taking his shirt off under his hoodie like girls can do with their bras. Then soon he's sitting in only Michael's hoodie and his underwear. Michael is red in the face and fuck if this isn't getting him hot.

"...I was right..." Jeremy cheeks are sooo red.

"What now?"

"Uh... Well, for starters, the only way to make you look any better would be to put you in my lap." Jeremy slowly climbs up to straddle his lap. This must be a dream for Michael. It is. Michael sits straight up, wide eyed and red faced.

"Jeremy, are you fucking with me right now?"

"Does it look like I am?" He moves Michael's hands onto his own hips before resting his arms on his shoulders. One of his hands move up to play with his hair.

"Holy shit... Holy shit, Jeremy, oh my - in only my hoodie, mierda, jodidamente-" he looks him over. Jeremy leans in close, but their lips aren't touching yet.

"Tell me what to do Mikey."

"... Stay still." Michael moves in to kiss at his neck instead, nipping a little at his collarbone. Jeremy makes very small noises from it. Michael hitting his sensitive marks.

"Shit... Do you mind if I..?" He moves a hand, slowly dragging it towards Jeremy's crotch.

"Do what you want." Michael palms at Jeremy's dick through his boxers.

"This okay?"

"This is amazing..."

"You know what would make you damn beautiful? Muy muy bonito?" he sucks a dark spot on his neck.

"Hnn, Tell me.."

"You'd be gorgeous on my dick, Jeremiah." Jeremy grins so wide, grinding on his dick.

"Fuck - baby -" he grips his hips a little tighter.

"You like this? Hm? Want me to go Harder?" As he says it he grinds harder.

"Sí, sí, quiero que - I want you so bad, Jeremy, I wanna give you my dick so bad."

"Then lets do it."

"Are you sure? 100% sure you want me to fuck you, Jer?"

"I want you to fuck me until I can't speak."

"I have never in my life heard you say anything so fucking Sexy, take your boxers off." He gets up only to take his boxers off, then helping Michael with his own,

"You are so fucking pretty, you are just - I just fuckin - lemme grab the lube."

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