~Chapter Thirteen~

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After it's all done, Jared gotta fix himself up before going home. He isn't gonna go to Evan's. He needs to cover up their marks from both Evan and Connor. Connor is a damn mess, physically and emotionally. Jared, huh..? Jared looks at his phone.

"Jesus. 10 messages and 7 missed calls from Evan...."

E: [how's it going with Connor?]

E: [is everything all right?]

E: [Jared?]

E: [Jared, please answer]

E: [Did something happen??]

E: [Jared, pick your phone up]

E: [Answer, please]

E: [I'm getting really worried]

E: [Jared, for the love of God, it's been hours, I called your house, your moms said you weren't home, I need to know you're all right, please pick up]

E: [Jared I am having a panic attack, where are you, Zoe says you aren't there either]

Jared finishes getting dressed and calls him. Evan picking up on the first ring.

"Jared, what's the hell have you been, I've been so damn scared, I thought -"

"Evan. I'm fine, I swear. My... my car broke down on the way there.."

"Oh... Oh, okay. I.... Sorry, I just... Worry."

"I know. I'm sorry. Connors Dad is helping me fix my car so I won't be there until later."

"Okay. Be careful, say hi to Larry for me."

"I will. I'll call tonight okay?"

"Okay... I love you."

"I love you too." Then he hangs up and sighs. Evan is relieved. Glad everything is okay.

"Guess I better head out then. And don't forget my weed tomorrow."

"No problem." Then he's out and going back home. A few hours later calling Evan after he covers up the marks.

"Car fixed?"

"Mhm. It wasn't a big deal.."

"Well that's good."

"Y-yeah...... sorry for worrying you..."

"It's... It's okay, it's all right. Are you still coming over?"

"If you still want me too."


"Okay, I'll be over in five minutes." He hurried over, making sure that he layered up on the make up. Evan is happy to see him when he arrives. He gives him a grin, still looking like a heckin leopard.

"Do you want me to help you cover that up?"

"Yes please." Jared smiles and finds some of his moms make up.

"This is how I covered up mine."

"You did well, I can't see them at all. You're a master, Jared."

"Well, I'd be lying if I said this wasn't the first time."

"Oh?" Evan chuckles.

"Yeah. I don't exactly have an innocent past."

"Well then."

"I'm not gonna get into too much detail. Take your shirt off." Evan takes off his shirt. Shit, are some of those bite marks?

"Man, did those hurt?"

"Probably. They're sore."

"Sorry..." he starts padding at the bites and marks with he make up. Good thing he has the same skin tone as his mom.

"I'm sure it was exactly what I wanted at the time." he blushes hard and chuckles.

"I guess. When you were high, you were talking dirty to me but it was so casual.."

"O-Oh? Was it... Good?"

"Well it worked didn't it?"

"Guess so. I remember some of it..."

"What part of it?"

"Um... Whenever it was when... When every other word I said was "Fuck?" then?"

"Yeah, when you started cursing like a sailor, I was so shocked."

"Oh gosh..."

"It's fine though. Because you know I do have the mouth of a sailor."

"I'm sure it was quite a surprise to hear it from me though."

"Mhm." He finishes pretty quickly.


"Very nice, very good." Jared smiles at him. He's still as cute as ever.

"Can I add something?"

"Uh... Sure I guess, go ahead." He takes the blush and applies it to his cheeks but makes sure his freckles stand out. Jared Kleinman? Good with make up? Evan smiles.

"Making me prettier?"

"Well I think you were already pretty. What do you think?" He finds a small mirror on his desk.

"It's a very nice color, I love it, Jared."

"Yeah well, when you have two moms who get pretty good with make up." He freezes. He didn't mean to say that out loud. No one knew about that. Not even Evan.

"... You've got two moms? Really? I've only met the one."

"W-well one of them goes out of town a lot."

"Oh. Is... Are you... Adopted? Or is one of them your biological mother?" He's curious.

"I'm... Im adopted.."

"Oh. I see. You just... You look a lot like Emily, you had me fooled."

"Well... at least I think I am. I just sorta assumed. We never talked about it."

"huh. That's... That's cool, wow. More moms than I have."

"Yeah... I would be worried that you'd think that's weird but that would sorta defeat the purpose of us."

Evan chuckles. "Yeah. It's - it's nice, that means that I could... I could probably come out to them before I come out to my mom." he rubs his neck.

"I'm... I'm terrified of coming out, telling someone else who isn't straight would be so much easier."

"Yeah.. not gonna lie, I haven't told them about me but I think they've figured it out."

"We can... Tell them together."

"Yeah..... yeah okay.. when?"

"Um... Next time I come over?"

"Sure. Yeah that's fine..."

"... We could tell my mom some other time... So uh, how'd it go with Connor?"

"It went.... well. I think we're friends now? Not really sure."

"That's good, that's progress!"

"Uh, yeah. I guess it is."

"Maybe homecoming will be okay."

"Yeah. He's still coming right?"

"Yeah, as far as I know."

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