~Chapter Fifteen~

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Jared climbs to the front seat and starts the car. He had put his boxers back on and a button up shirt. But he didn't button it. Connor assists in getting Evan dressed.

"Gonna get dressed for real, Jared?"

"Not while I'm driving. Just toss me my clothes." Connor gathers his clothes and tosses them into the passenger seat. When they get to his house, Jared puts in the rest of his clothes and they walk inside. Jared having to help both if those drunks in. They all end up snuggled together on Jared's bed. Very cute. The next morning though, isn't so cute. Definitely not with Evan vomiting in the bathroom and Connor hungover as hell.

"Where the fuck am I..?"

"Welcome to my house Murphy." He gets up to get Evan a glass of water and Advil for both of them.

"Your house is too damn bright, it sucks."

"All the lights are turned off and the blinds are down with the curtains. It's just you."

"Then my eyes suck, goddamn..."

"Here. We always have Advil in the house."

"Thank God... Is that Evan?" there is a very loud retching noise, followed by some quiet sobs.

"Yeah... I'll go take of him too." Evan is just... Crying. He's already committed everything up, now everything hurts. Jared sits next to him, rubbing his back.

"It's gonna be okay. Just get it all done with." Evan sucks in a breath before heaving a few more times. Once done with that, he sobs,

"It was so worth it..."

"So you remember it?"

"It was so great... I t'emmener it all, oh my God..."

"So..... you don't regret adding Connor? Permanently?" He shakes his head.

"....D-Do you?"


"G-Good... I think... I th-think I could get better at that with- with practice..."


On the other hand all the way in New Jersey, Ever since their fight Jeremy hasn't talked to Michael. He's just ignoring him. Michael hates it. They had sex once and now he doesn't have his best friend... He's also been repeatedly provoked by Rich, but hasn't done anything yet. It's been like two weeks man... He's been smoking a lot. Jeremy's been talking to Rich a lot though. And if you look close enough you can see a jealous Jake in the back. Michael is just as jealous and once, he even mumbles

"Maybe he is being a hoe..." while watching them from across the hall. But why should he care at this point, right? Jenna catches that and goes straight to Christine.

"You'll never guess what I heard from Michael Mell himself."

"What's that, hun?"

"He just called Jeremy a hoe. And to put that with how much he's been with Rich, I think it's actually true!" She blinks in surprise.

"MICHAEL called Jeremy a hoe? But... That's not right, why would he...?"

"Probably because of the one time they had sex and then Jeremy started off with Rich two days after."

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