Chapter 3

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I fastly got up from a loud noise coming from outside. I put on some jeans and a t-shirt and saw from the window what was happening, when I saw Sam outside mowing his garden and then he started to cut some woods and he did all of this with a suit on.

I put some shoes on and headed downstairs to prepare breakfast.I rubbed my eyes with my knuckles, because I wasn't used to get up at freaking 6 am.

I took the eggs from the fridge, the milk, the flour from the cupboard and orange juice. I'm making pancakes...well that's the only of the things I'm sure I won't burn.

"You're late" Sam said staring at me with his piercing green eyes as my mouth hug open.vIt's 6am,how am I late?!

"Maybe I forgot to tell you, but I want you down here on sharp five" He said with his usual look on his face, an annoyed or serious one, maybe bored, but no sign of happiness. Meh I don't care.

After I finished with the pancakes I layed them with a layer of nutella and some of them with jam. I poured orange juice on his glass and the breakfast was ready.

"SAM....I MEAN MR. SAM, BREAKFAST IS READY" I shouted as he appeared at the door with a white suit and a black collar who looked really good on him.

He looked at the plate and then at me again angrily as his eyes met mine.

"First of all don't you dare raise your voice here. If you need me come and find me" Mr. McGrumpy said as I wanted to talk, but he raised his hand for me to shut up.

"And second, don't serve me this bullshit" Sam said pushing the plate from the table with his arm as it broke and food went everywhere in the kitchen.

"I'm not a five year older, learn how to cook you listen to me?" He said pouring the glass of orange juice on the table and getting out of the kitchen while I just stare at him without knowing what to say. He looked like a nice man at the bus station.

I started to clean the counter where I made the damn pancakes and then cleaned the food on the floor. I cleaned the orange juice on the table and decided to collect the piece of glass that Mr.McGrumpy broke when a piece of glass cut my hand. It was bleeding so I decide to go upstairs and put a bandage on it when Sam got in my way.

"Why is your hand bleeding" He asked looking....concerned? Nah.

"Why do you care" I ask as he though for a moment with a blank expression on his face

"I don't care, I just don't want blood in my house" He said taking a bandage and giving it to me. I put it on and started to make the other chores.

It was around 6:07 pm when I was moping the hallway when the doorbell rang and Mr.McGrumpy went to open it. I couldn't believed my eyes, it was the smelly man at the bus and he was talking to Sam.

I was so curious to hear the conversation so I went near them pretending to be moping and none of them luckily noticed me.

"I need her to buy that building or my company will go down" Sam said to the smelly man as he stood there anxiously. 

He scratched his head "But how are we gonna do that sir" He asked as Sam started to think,but nothing came to his mind.I ca't believe they still haven't notice me.

"She's the queen of England we need to do something big" He said as an idea hit me.

"Umm sorry, but I accidentally heard your conversation and I may have an idea how to make the queen of England to buy your shop or whatever" I said as the smelly man's eyes widened open when he realized who I was.

"Get lost, you're just a maid" He said as I stared at him furiously. Sam raised his finger at him as he huffed.

"You can go to Britain of course and say that she needs the shop or whatever you are going to sell her. Tell her that she may need it to make a politic meeting or do whatever she wants with them. Maybe something England would appreciate or helps with politics and can be a new government or somewhere where she and other ambassadors can talk"

Sam was thinking and then faced the man who was standing at the door.

"Oh no, no, no sir. I know that look and if you take her idea I quit" He said as Sam stared at him with his piercing green eyes.

"Fine, you're fired" He said slamming the door on the smelly's man face as my mouth hung open. A move I was not expecting.

Then he faced me "Your hired and if you let me don't wanna know" Sam said getting out of the room as I stare at the door in confusion of what just happend.


A/N- Guess who updated? Me lol. Hope ya liked it


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