Chatpter 11

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Thanks for the fabulous cover

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Thanks for the fabulous cover.Man you're so talented.Everyone go give a follow to XantheRowd


"WHO THE HECK ARE YOU?" A girl shouted with an irritating voice as I narrowed my eyes.

"I'm Natalie" I respond as she groaned and furiously went at Mr.McGrumpy's room shouting at him as he rolled his eyes and told her to calm down.

"Heather,calm the heck down.She is my maid" He explained her as the girl who appernately was named Heather slammed her feet on the ground like a kid and groaned looking at me in anger and then back at Sam.

"Are you cheating on me?HOW COULD YOU" She said crying as Sam slammed his hand on his face.

"I'm not cheating on you for God's sake.She is my damn maid"

She whipped her tears away "Then why is she here with you?"

"Heather" He sad with a strict voice he has never used before "Go to my room and I will explain you everything and don't you dare interrupt me okay" He said as she groaned and did what Sam said.

"You" He said pointing at me as he came closer.I started to sweat and feel hot.He was so close and I could feel his hot breath and how he clenched his sharp jaw in anger "You open trouble as soon as you come in.I don't have time for girl's drama.Get off my eyes" He said as I didn't knee what to say and I went to my room.

Me- I had a lot of fun xxx

Thorn- Me too

Me- How come you reply so fast

Thorn- I was waiting for your text

Me- Awwww xxx

I really had fun with Thorn.He is such a nice guy and he is so sweet.There's no need to say the opposite of Sam,cause it's obvious.

I lied on my bed and started to daydream about Thorn.His messy blond hair that fall to his face and his beautiful blue eyes are so warm and comforting.His smile is so adorable and daydreaming about him I fall asleep.

Why am I feeling like I'm missing something.....Like I'm doing something wrong


I found myself alone on a abandoned neighborhood.Everything was destroyed and I felt something move behind me.I turned my head to see a man...well I could only see his back and he was wearing a formal suit.The sleeves of the suit reached his elbow and I could see his dark hair.

"Who are you?" I asked as the man faced me and I terrified.He had no damn face.\

"You'll have to find out" He said...I don't know how he didn't even have a mouth and then....

I woke up

"What are these dreams I'm watching?" I said to myself rubbing my tired eyes with my knuckles "Couldn't I just dream about Thorn?"

I turned my phone off and it was 5:00.Well,I'm in time.

I put on black skinny jeans,a t-shirt my jacket,sneakers and went at the suites living room.Heather was standing there all dressed up with make up typing with someone on her phone and grinning like an idiot.

Then she saw me and got scared "W-what are you doing here....this early I-I mean" Heather said nervously as I simply shrugged.

"That's the time I need to get up,but what are you doing up this early all dressed up?" I asked as she stared at me in anger.

"Not your business dork" She said getting out and slamming the door.

"MAID" I hear Mr.McGrumpy shout as I went at his room.He was buttoning his shirt and I don't get why he should always wear a suit.

"Here" He said handing me 200 dollars "Go to the shopping mall and buy Heather something" He said as I nod.I was about to go,but then I stopped.

"Is Heather your girlfriend?" I asked without facing him.

"Yes she is"

His voice was sharp and smooth and I felt something weird.I walked out of the suit and asked people on the road for help.Well lucky me,I have no idea where the shopping mall is.

"Umm sorry sir,do you know where the shopping mall is?" I asked as a boy with brown hair and beautiful hazel eyes faced me with a smile plastered on his face.

"Sure,if you want I can give you a drive there cutie" He said as I blushed and nodded.Yeah I'm gonna save myself another hour of walk and go with a stranger who looks cute.

I followed him and we walked to his black Mercedes and we both got in.

"I'm Aiden" He said as I faced him

"I'm Natalie"

He smiles at me,the engine came alive and we drove away.Aiden was a nice guy and he was on an art college.He lived with his five sisters and he called me cutie and every time he called me that I would blush.

We parked the car and went from a store to another and I was planning to find something ugly for Heather...wait? Why am I doing this.I'm not jealous...wait,nobody said I was.WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?

We gt on another store and I noticed an ugly shirt standing there on the corner.I picked it and it looked uglier if you went near it.This will be cheap.

"Isn't that...umm...a little too ugly"

"Exactly" I said grinning as he gave me a confused look.I looked at the price and my jaw touched the ground and I went to the cashier.

"How can I help you" She said as I slammed my hand on her desk

"438 $ for what it's quite the ugliest shirt I have ever seen.It looks like someone spilled coffee on the 3-d ugliest shirt ever created so they replaced the middle with the 2-nd ugliest shirt ever created to make the ugliest shirt in the entire fucking world...HOW CAN YOU SELL THIS UGLY SHIRT WITH THAT PRICE" I said as Aiden dragged me out of the shop laughing his butt off.

We bought a red dress for Heather and Aiden had to pick a beautiful one.Jerkarse.

He drove me back to the hotel and before I went out he caught me by the wrist and handed me something as his hazel eyes met mine.

"Here is my umber in case you need a ride"

 I thanked him and waved a goodbye.

I got in the suite and saw Sam with his laptop on his lap writing something.

"Here" I said handing him the bag as he opened it.

"This is so ugly" He said staring me in irritation as I didn't move.

Exactly,I bought it so it could match with your girlfriends face.


A/N- I hope you liked this chapter and I won't be updating much,because I also have school.Love ya all


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