Chapter 10

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It was silence and I was feeling so uncomfortable.His skin against mine and I could see his sharp jawline and his green eyes who were focused at the road.His leg was touching mine and that's when I realized I was staring.

Let me explain,Thorn came at the airport with a damn smart. You know those two seats cars and that made us to sit next to each other and that's why Mr.McGrumpy's body is pressing next to mine.

Then Thorn cought.Omg I hope he didn't see me staring.I don't want him to think that...-ughh no that's stupid.He shouldn't even think that I like Sam,It's ridiculous.

It was still an awkward silence and I was feeling so uncomfortable.I didn't want to see Sam so I turned my head to the other direction.

I could see Thorn's blond hair falling to his face,his blue eyes staring at the road,his jawline that wasn't as sharper as Sam's one and his biceps that moved while he was driving...then his smirk.

He noticed me staring and I blushed.Then I felt Mr.McGrumpy's gaze on me,but when I faced him he was focused on the road.Maybe my stupid imagination. 

"Didn't you saw the news?" Thorn asked finally breaking the silence as Sam stared at him in annoyance.

"I don't watch the news" He said as Thorn shrugged.

"Well you should watch them so you don't walk at the airport when a storm is about to start" Thorn said as Mr.McGrumpy looked angry and of course grumpy.

"I'm not taking advices from a kid" He said as Thorn mimicked him and then...silence again.

Sam was staring at his leg and so did I,because I wanted to know what was wrong and then...I turned red and got my hand off his leg immediately.It's not my fault that it's a tight place here.

I was looking at me wet shoes in embarrassment and the car suddenly stopped.I didn't realize that we arrived.

"Ummm do you mind me going out for today,I-I need clothes" I said finding an excuse to stay with Thorn as Sam nodded getting out of the car.

"Maid,I want you at the room at sharp six" He said as Thorn drove away and I breathed in relief.

"You know there's actually a storm so the shops are closed" Thorn said as I nod grinning.

"I know,I just wanted to spend time with you" I respond as he smirked.

Apparently we were going to Thorn's house and he will drive me to the hotel at five.I turned my phone on and I had a new message from dad,

Dad- Where are you my little girl

A shiver went in all my body and I immediately turned my phone off.To be honest,I would prefer to stay here than go back at my house.Of course not with Mr.McGrumpy,but with Thorn.He is just so sweet and nice.

I think I'm falling for him

The the car stopped and we were in front of a big building,of course not bigger than Sam's one,but still it was enormous.

"Mi casa es tu casa " Thorn said as we got out of the car and he opened the door for me to get in.

We walked to the living room and at the couch I saw a girl who was probably 20.She had long blond hair,blue eyes and she looked like a female version of Thorn.

"Hey you must be Natalie" She said hugging me.

"I'm Thorn's twin sister Jen" 

TWIN SISTER,How come Thorn never told me about it.

"Ok Jen go to your room we need the TV and the couch" He said as Jen smacked him,smiled at me and went up to her room.

"Hey cute cumber,let's watch It" He said as I nod in agreement.The movie started and soon I realized that it was a horror one.Then a clown showed up at the movie,scaring me to death as I screamed and Thorn started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked elbowing him.It's not my fault that I'm too scared from horror movies even if they aren't that scary.

"WHY,WHY DO YOU GO UPSTAIRS WHEN YOU CAN JUST USE THE DAMN FRONT DOOR" I shouted blocking my sight with my hands.Then Thorn came closer hugging and laughing with me.

Now I was resting my head on Thorn's chest and he would laugh when I got scred with the movie.Time passed and we watch another movie,we started to talk and then...

"OMG THORN IT'S 5:50pm" I shouted as we I waved a goodbye to Jen who came downstairs to eat a snack and we ran at the car.

Thorn was driving as fast as he could and there was soo much snow which made it harder.Sam sounded so serious when he said at sharp six.He always sounds serious what the heck am I saying.

It was 5:00pm and we were in front of the hotel.I waved a goodbye at Thorn and ran at the suite.All I was thinking was Thorn and how we were so close when we watched the movie,how we had fun and how I wanted to kiss ghim

I opened the door and

"WHO THE HECK ARE YOU?" A girl shouted with an irritating voice


A/N- I hope you liked this chapter.If you did don't forget to vote and comment and sorry this chapter was a little short.Love ya all


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