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After the first time Jongdae suggested it, it's been a running game to collect customers' phone numbers and tally their points on their order pads. Besides Baekhyun, Luhan and Minseok are also often slipped notes during their shifts. In fact, Minseok seems to have a small fan club following that meets at Viva Polo every so often.

Chanyeol hasn't really wondered how many admirers Baekhyun gets now. He hasn't been announcing his point tally lately and to be honest, Chanyeol tries to avoid the thought as much as possible.

But tonight, while he gripes to Jongin about the water in the trash can ("Sorry," Jongin shrugs, "I just meant to dump out a pot of overcooked noodles,") he notices a few crumpled slips of paper that were tossed out, blurry ink words written on them, half-covered by discarded pasta.

Chanyeol bends to get a closer look. He registers two things: one of the notes is directly addressed to Baekhyun, and all of them have numbers written on them.

He stands over the trash can for a few minutes longer, wondering if this means anything.

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