Imagine Getting Married To Stefan Salvatore

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For @jenny604020! Sorry!  I know I said I was going to get the writing done a few days ago but my birthday was kind of shitty. Thanks, everyone, for the birthday wishes! School has been stressful and its taken a toll on me even though I just started back this year. I will try and get almost half of the requests done today. 

You and Stefan have been together for years. You met in high school as one as Elena's best friends. When Stefan went rogue, and left Elena, you two started talking. You never actually told Elena about your relationship with Stefan, mostly because you didn't wanna ruin the friendship the two of you had. You didn't have many friends and it was a miracle you had Elena, Bonnie and Caroline. Although Caroline was a vampire, she still went to school and acted like her life was perfect. All four of you were trying to get through school and deal with your lives. You, were lucky. Y/N Y/L/N, the human, the no-body. Even when you graduated, you were a no-body. When your name was brought up, no one really knew who you where.

Stefan, your boyfriend of 2 years did. Stefan loved you and you loved him. You didn't know if he still felt for Elena but you did know that he left her to keep her safe. You knew, in the back of your mind that if he had a choice, he would leave you and be with Elena. Or so you thought, that was. You hadn't seen Stefan for a while and it kind of bothered you. Stefan had become a different person and you never really knew where he was at, who he was with or who he was talking to. This usually made to paranoid. You tried talking to him but it was always the same 4 words. "Don't you trust me?"

Of course you trusted Stefan. You trusted Stefan with your life. You just didn't trust other girls or the people he was hanging out with and talking to. Though, you kept your mouth shut. You stopped saying things about it. You stopped bringing it up in hopes that he would be more social with you. The shy Stefan was long gone until one day, Stefan was a lot less vocal and a blush was always on his cheeks when he spoke to you or even looked at you. You two were currently at a fair, something having to do with fireworks to put it bluntly. You weren't actually listening when Stefan invited you to go. You just nodded you head and agreed, wanting to get out and do something with your boyfriend.

"Are you listening to me?" You heard a voice ask.

You turned your head to see Stefan looking at you, confused as of why you weren't responding. "Hm?" You asked, wanting him to repeat the question.

"I asked if you were enjoying the evening."

Oh, you forgot. You had been just thinking so much and not really paying attention to even realize where you were, what your were doing or even who you were even with. "Oh! Sorry, I must have started to day dream. Yes, for a matter of fact, I am enjoying the evening." You smiled, trying to play it cool.

Stefan smiled before taking your hand in his, intertwining your fingers with his. "Good, I rented a boat. I wanted to take you onto the lake before the fire works started so we can get a good few. The fireworks will be right over us." He tugged at your hand, pulling you along with him.

This made you smile. The fact that Stefan always tried so hard to be a good boyfriend, showed you how much he really loved you. You followed him to the docks before getting into a boat. It was a little cold out but you didn't really say anything. You sat across from Stefan as he grabbed the paddle on each side.  He started to row you both out into the middle of the lake before stopping. You could tell he was shaking a bit. "Stefan, are you alright?" You were genuinely worried about him.

Stefan blushed a bit before taking something out of his coat pocket. He held it in his hand before kneeling before you. "I know I've been distant lately, Y/N. It's just, I've been thinking about how I was going to plan this moment for a while. I was scared to ask you what I'm going to. Truth is, I love you. Ever since I saw you in high school, I guess you could say it was love at first sight. I want to spend the rest of your life with you. I know you'll grow old, but if you'd allow me to, I want to turn you. I know it sounds selfi-" 

You cut him off, tears rolling down your cheeks. "I do! I will marry you!" You said, kneeling down in front of him as fireworks began to go off.

You hugged him tightly before kissing his lips, happily. You pulled away, allowing him to slip the ring on your ring finger. "Till death do us part." He whispered.

"Till death do us part."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2017 ⏰

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