4k special altean lance x galra keith

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Thank you guys so much. I never thought this would get to 3k. In my mind this was going to be a poor attempt at writing fandom oneshot a, but my spirits have been lifted. Alrighty!! Enough talk and more klance 😏.

Keith waited a bit impatiently in front of the thrones of the Altean rulers. "Don't you think their a bit late Da-" " Keith for the last time, the kids are just having trouble getting ready." "Ok ok..." Keith's ears twitched a little as he saw the big doors open and the Altean's walk through and sit on the thrones. Both Keith and his father Varkor ( don't judge I just came up with a name) bowed as queen Allura and king Shiro did the same.

"Shiro." " Varkor, it is time to tell our sons the plans."  W-what plans...  both Keith and lance thought. "What plans king Shiro?" "Ah, prince Keith. Me and your father have decided to unite our kingdoms through marriage of our oldest children. That would mean you and my son lance." "What?!? But father-" "No buts lance. It is final. Now you and lance will do some activities together to get to know each other." Keith and Lance looked at each other paranoid.

Lances POV

I heard Keith squeal happily at the sight of the red and blue horse like creatures. "Oh? You like riding?" I smirked at the galran prince in front of me. I watched as his ears flattened against his head and a small blush grow on his face . "Y-yeah. It's almost the only time I get to be free..." I placed my hands on his hips and lifted him up "w-what are you doing?!?"

"I'm helping you, your actually pretty short for a galra." A slow growl came from the middle of his throat as I set him on his horse. "Her name is red and I'm warning you right now, she's really fussy." I looked in total shock as red calmly starting trotting toward the beach. I rushed to hop on blue and ride after him into the field of purple flowers that led to the white sand beach.

Keith's POV

I actually like lance... maybe it won't be so bad  being his wife- husband Husband!!! Jesus Christ, I really need to tell him about me being an omega...
I argued with myself as I watched lance play in the water, laughing. Then he walked towards me, picking me up throwing me in the water. "Lance!!! What the Quiznak?!?!" All I could hear was roaring laughter.

I pulled him down into the water and pressed lips to his. Bad idea! He quickly slipped his tongue between my lips and into my mouth. I knew my face was as red as I felt it was hot. He pulled away with this devilish smirk on his face. "I guess you really have fallen for me" a pun.  "Really lance- mph?!?" I was cut off with his lips on mine again.

I sighed against his mouth and kissed back. He picked me up, carrying me back to the beach, his lips never leaving mine. I started to feel drowsy, looking at lance sensing that he was feeling the same way.Then everything faded into nothingness as we both collapsed on the sand.

I woke up next to Keith in my bed with my arms around him. We were both in our boxers so I could fell his soft fur against my skin. I snuggled my head deeper into his chest which caused him to moan. His chest is bigger than other galran males. I bet on my altean marks that he's an omega. I looked out at the sky, it had to atleast be one in the morning so I just hummed one of the lullabies that Mom had once sang to me until I fell asleep with my arms wrapped around my lover.

I woke up groaning as I couldn't move due to lances arms around me. I looked at him and blushed. His face was buried in my chest. I squirmed until my arms were free and started untangling his hair with my tiny claws. "Ouch... watch the claws  mi amor." "Your awake?!?" "Yep" He had that stupid smirk on his face. I cupped his face in my hands  and pressed my lips to his.

He slowly kissed back. "So, today's the day we get married.." I was really nervous. How would the galra and altean empires react to two kings... "mi amor there's nothing to worry about. We don't have any secrets, problems, or hatred like feelings between each other, right my omega?" "Ya... wait! How do you know I'm an omega?!?" "Your chest is swollen and your smaller than the average galra." I felt my face turn bright red at this. "C'mon Keith, we have to get ready for the wedding ceremony." "R-right!" We both got ready as the wedding was in 10 hours.

Time skip brought to you by Quiznakles!!!

I could see the nervousness in Keith's eyes as he walked down the isle and stand facing me. The priest talked about health and sickness and this other stuff. "Now you may say your vows." "Keith Kogane, I've only known you for a short time but I've already fallen in love with, you are my little Estrella and will always be." "Lance MacLaine, I've never thought that I would find an alpha, at least until I met you. I thought that it was ridiculous that I was going to marry a guy, but you changed my life. I am going to love spending eternity with you." "You may now kiss the groom." I tipped Keith back and pressed my lips against his, the last few words of his vows still ringing in my head.

"I'm going to love spending eternity with you.."

Me too mi amor...

Sooo how do you like it?!? This is a 4K special by the way. Thank you all my Voltron shippers!!!! Goodbye my sweets!!!

♥️~ Bloodsm22891

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