Tired Man

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"Yes, Thank you Hirotsu. I will."

I sighed and shut my phone. Hirotsu had called me to inform me of a new job and to check my mail. Getting onto my email, I read all the details and plans for the job.

The missions I was given were usually supervised by Hirotsu. I wasn't working with the Black Lizard. Occasionally I would go with them and join in on a mission, but other than that- I was on my own.

My schedule wasn't that compact as I thought It would have been. Missions occurred regularly. So I was always doing something everyday. I had the weekends off. Sometimes I would go off and assassinate people but most of the time it was just tailing certain suspicious workers or trades that would happen in the Mafia.

That changed a few days ago. Mori had changed his mind and told me that he wouldn't assign me anymore jobs that had to do with killing. The explanation from him was that it could risk me getting spotted by the Guild and taken away, as it owns many smaller organizations that the Mafia does not know of. As well as that he had considered the fact that I didn't like killing anyways. Which was another reason why I was partnered up with Odasaku.

My fighting 'lessons' with Chuuya were not as frequent as I though they would be. It was usually on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I hung out with Chuuya a lot after about 1 month. I usually ate lunch with him, or went out with him to hidden stores that aren't open to the public. In there, we usually were on the hunt for new weapons for the Mafia's guards to use, the old ones we had needed to be replaced.

To be honest, Chuuya would occasionally do stuff that would make me feel a little weird. I wasn't uncomfortable, but rather confused.

Chuuya would hug me a lot. Mostly when we would part and go our separate ways, even if we were going to see each other later on that day. He tend to blush a lot if I ever made too much eye contact with him, or even smiled. If I declined to do something with him, he usually seemed a little saddened by it and would always try to get me to change my answer, unless it was work related.

I felt like our friendship was pretty platonic.

I was comfortable with Chuuya, though, not comfortable to the point where I could express my true emotions with him. That's not to say I faked others just to suppress the real ones. Chuuya was actually pretty funny and a warm person. His snarky remarks towards people were hilarious. I was genuinely a little bit happy hanging around him.

Once I finished reading through the plans, I got up and left my office, to meet my partner.


"Odasaku?" I asked, poking at a mans back.

I was currently at a curry shop. Mori had told me that Odasaku had returned back from his mission a few days ago. He also explained that this shop was a place Odasaku was usually at. So he advised me to go see him and introduce myself. The man whose identity I was unsure of, turned around and looked at me with lovely blue eyes. I silently admired his features for a few moments before I sat next to him and extended my hand out.

"Hi. I'm [Y/N], your new partner." I greeted.

He slowly took my hand and shook it firmly.

"Nice to meet you, [Y/N]." He greeted, before continuing to eat.

An older man came out from the kitchen as he saw me. He gave me a bright smile as he asked if I was interested in eating anything. I politely declined and thanked him for the offer. I gazed at Odasaku, he was honestly an attractive man. His dark red hair looked fluffy and soft, it complimented his tan skin. His attire was similar to many people at the Mafia, just a little less extra.

I felt calm and peaceful around Odasaku. His eyes looked tired, yet he seemed relaxed. He didn't kill, and I was told that he was the only normal person in the Mafia with a heart. I really didn't want to talk about work, it didn't feel like the right time. It was only us three, including the owner.

"What are your interest? What do you like to do?" I asked quietly, resting my head on palm, continuing to gaze at him.

He stayed quiet for a few moments before responding, eating a few more spoonfuls of the curry in his bowl.

"I like to read occasionally." He said quietly, before putting a spoonful in his mouth.

"Really? I do too. Though I tend to write more than read. What's your favorite book that you've read?" I asked.

Odasaku turned his head to fully face me, his tired eyes widened a little bit and he stared at me. His eyes moved around as he scanned my face, sort of how Chuuya did when I first ate lunch with him.

"Light and Darkness. I would recommend it. It's a three novel series. I have all three, but the third novel has a few pages missing at the end, so I'm unsure of what happens." He paused, momentarily looking away from me, "If you read it and end up liking it, you should write the ending, so there could be some closure."

I raised my eyebrows for a moment before nodding.

"Alright. Well, when we meet again, please bring the first novel." I said, giving him a small smile.

I looked away and stared at the pot that was sputtering steam on top of it. I felt Odasaku's gaze linger on me for a few seconds before he started eating again.

"What do you write about?" He asked.

"Usually short stories about random things, one of the characters occasionally representing how I feel. Sometimes I write about my life when I was younger. Before.. all of this." I answered quietly.

He slowly nodded and I stayed in my seat for a few moments before getting up.

"Odasaku, it was a pleasure to meet you. I'll see you soon." I said, waving goodbye and walking out of the shop.


The rest of the day at the Mafia went by slowly. I didn't start my first mission with Odasaku until a few days later. I was interested in Odasaku. It seemed like he had been through a lot. A mafia man who doesn't kill. Why doesn't he kill anyone? Has he actually killed anyone? If he did, then what caused him to stop? I was curious, and I silently hoped that if he was comfortable, he would tell me one day.

As I left the Mafia, I saw Chuuya bickering with another man, whose back was to me. I cracked a small smile when I saw his face redden every second he kept talking to the stranger, who seemed to be teasing him. I walked by them, a few feet away.

"Chuuya, ya know what top hats are called when you wear them? Short hats." The stranger laughed.

I let out small laugh and quickly covered my mouth.

"[Y/- Don't laugh!" Chuuya shouted, as he heard me laugh.

I walked a little faster to my car, paying no attention to the men behind me. Chuuya let out a frustrated sigh.

"Chuuya, who's that?" I heard the stranger ask, his quiet voice coming from afar.

I got into my car and turned it on. I looked back at them, they were pretty far away. They looked small. The stranger looked to be staring at my car. He seemed to have a coat like Chuuya, a dark one that he didn't use the sleeves of. I couldn't see what their facial expressions were- or faces at all for that matter. I started to leave the parking lot.

ok get ready for a "what the fuck really?" reaction in the next chapter :)

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