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"I will keep a close eye on him, okay? I really don't think he's gonna pull anything serious- especially at work. Maybe he was drunk?"

"Yeah, drunk with love, Chuuya." I sighed. I looked out the window as he parked in his designated parking spot. "I'm gonna hope Mori was in his late night thoughts and that he's regretting what he said last night right now."

Chuuya only sighed in response. We had somewhat of an argument last night. When he came back home, I obviously told him what was said and he became upset about it. Chuuya then proceeded to get angry- with me. I shut it down quick though, as I had honestly done nothing wrong here. I told him that I should have said something about us in the beginning, and he said no. He told me to tell him I wasn't interested. I did. What happened? Absolutely nothing. So whose fault was it? Chuuyas.

Mori was constantly on my mind since this morning. I didn't want to encounter him at all and I was genuinely hoping this was some sort of joke. Luckily, my work schedule was mostly filled with outside assignments. So the chances of running into Mori was roughly 15%.

Or so I thought.

Once I got into my office, I sat down and started looking through today's plans. No later than five minutes, I heard a knock at my door. Hirotsu came in, holding a file in his left hand. He greeted me as usual and sat down across from me.

"[Y/N], I do have some news for you, but I don't know whether you'll take them to be good or bad. Regardless, I will no longer be your supervisor."

My eyes grew wide and my heart started racing.

No fucking way-

"Mori will now be-"

"Please tell me you're joking." I asked in desperation.

Hirotsu furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me in confusion. "Excuse me?"

I took a deep breath and let my head fall into my hands.

"Never mind. Continue." I mumbled.

Hirotsu stayed silent for a few seconds before continuing on.

"As I was saying, Mori will be your new supervisor. The assignments that were given to you for today no longer are for you. So disregard them. These will be your new ones." Hirotsu proceeded to slide the file he was holding over to me. I looked at the file and glared at it with pure annoyance. Hirotsu sighed.

"It was wonderful working with you, [Y/N]. You were a respectful, unproblematic and quiet subordinate.... Maybe if you play your cards right, you could get yourself out of the position you're in." He said, almost whispering the last part.

I glanced at him with a look, silently asking him if he knew the situation.

Of course since both of us didn't have any mind reading abilities, only god knew if he understood my look, and if he knew what was going on.

"Thank you Hirotsu. You taught me a lot and even with this change, I will still come to you for help." I responded.

Hirotsu only nodded and got up, silently leaving. I felt a surge of anxiety pool in my stomach as I opened the file. There were only two pages inside. The first page consisted of a summary of who I was, with a few minor changes as to my position at the Mafia, my supervisor, and schedule. My position was, '(personal) Executive Assistant,' and my work time increased by 2 hours, but one less day. Now I worked 5 days a week, Tuesday through Saturday, 7AM-11PM.

I sighed and my looked at the second page. This page was actually a letter written by Mori which was basically a summary of what I'd be doing.


This position is a new one. I've recently decided it would be best that someone help me with the mass amount of work I have on my hands. You will be my assistant from now on. Please come to my office after you review the following tasks:
- Maintaining Filing System
- Overseeing and communicating with other executives
- Typing, compiling and preparing reports
- Accounting expenses
- Managing appointments, meetings, etc
- Miscellaneous tasks that will vary

(These are subject to change at anytime.)

- Mori Ougai

The only thing I wanted to do was quit. I slouched in my chair and stared at the wall for 10 minutes straight. I let my mind wander and attempted to rationalize with myself. I told myself it was nothing more than work. All I would be doing is some of his work in my office. Nothing more, nothing less.

I forced myself out of my chair and walked dreadfully all the way to Mori's office. The elevator ride up had my stomach in twists and turns. Walking through the hall to his office was painful.

The guards that stood in front of the door opened it once I was a few feet away. As soon as I saw his figure sitting down at his desk, I wanted to turn back around. I felt awkward and nervous.

Pretend nothing happened.

Mori immediately looked away from his computer and smiled at me.

I forced a smile back as I walked closer to his desk. I placed the file that Hirotsu gave to me earlier on his desk.

"[Y/N]! I'm glad to have you as my assistant. I felt this position would suit you pretty well. Hirotsu's opinion on your working abilities really made me feel confident about my decision. I hope we will work well and that everything goes smoothly. I have high expectations for you and I do believe you will achieve or either surpass them." Mori greeted.


"Thank you. I will do my best." I answered quietly.

"Okay, well since it's your first day, I'll show you what your daily routine will be like. But before I get into that, you will no longer be working in your office. You'll be working in this one with me. If you follow me-" Mori, stood up and left his desk. I stood up and followed him. We only walked a few feet away where he unlocked a door that was camouflaged with the wall. "This will be your personal office. You'll spend a few days with me first so that you get settled with your new tasks before you actually work in here." He explained.

The office he showed me was quite nice and roomy. It had many filing cabinets surrounding the back wall. The desk in front of it made it seem pretty convenient. I could roll back in my seat and grab whatever I needed from the cabinets without having to move so much.

But regardless, I still wasn't happy.

"Let's start with taking a look at my schedule. This is what you'll do first thing in the morning, so that way you can work things around according to me or others."



I'll come back and edit this later, maybe.

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