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Who wants to be a part of our group profile?

Just fill this "application" out and send to us in the PM.


Name on Account:

Personal Account:

Do you swear to this oath:
"I solemnly swear to not disobey any rules of the group, to talk to the admins of any concerns, to not add anyone without them filling out this form nor without talking to the group briefly, to always be 100% honest with the people of the group, to NOT change the password or username or any login information to the group account, and certainly to not bash anyone within the group (or outside the group either) and to not spread any lies about anyone in the group. I will not give out the login information to anyone not in the group. I promise to keep anything and everything talked about amongst the members kept within this group, unless told otherwise. "

Are you racist or prejudice against any one? (Honestly, I'm only asking because I don't want any problems -because of some differences that YOU can't control - to occur  if you are. )


Also, I'm now accepting  Hubby/Wifey/Best Friend applications! 😂😂😂

Mainly because I like talking to new/different people but I also like making new friends and would like to try and make some.

You can also message me on my personal


Legit? Just message me something other than "hi" or "send nudes" 😂😂😂.

I apologize, I can be a smart a** sometimes... well, a lot of the time.

I hope to get to know some of you guys soon!

Stay safe! Have a great day/night!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2017 ⏰

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