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~Dark's POV~

"Demonplier? I've heard a random rumor or two of a character like that, but nothing concrete." Kat muttered, pulling out her phone.

"And you won't. He doesn't need people to know he's there. He can use the fandom belief as an extra source of energy, but doesn't need it."

"But," (Y/N) scooted over and frowned,"don't all of you need belief..?"

"Let me explain, starting from the beginning." I put a hand on her knee; not moving it.

"Demon, he has been here longer than any of us, more "recent" Ipliers. He, actually was a kid once, at the same time Mark was. He gave Mark nightmares, scaring him. When Mark would get scared, Demon wouldn't be at risk of fading. But soon Mark started to grow up, not being as afraid of the nightmares. Demon grew too, but faster and taller than Mark. He started fading, until he was almost gone. For years he was nothing but insubstantial mist; then here comes Mark's channel.
He used it to get back to reality, and cause havoc. Giving people nightmares, twisting thoughts to corruption and darkness, even killing people, making sure they can never be tied to him. He even went to Hell, because he could. And now has Satan on his side."

"Damn. That's not scary." (Y/N) muttered.

I just nod.

"Soon, Mark reached a point. Scared for his fans, family and innocent people, he made a plan, a very tricky one to pull off, but he did it. He trapped him in the Void, and he wasn't able to get out."

I sigh. "This is where I come in. After I died, I found myself in the Void, and soon found myself face-to-face with the man himself. He offered me a deal. If he lets me be alive again, I have to pull him out. And I did."

I sit staring at the ground, silence filling the room.

(Y/N) leaned closer to me, then set her chin on my shoulder. "Hey, you're alive. And honestly, fuck the rest of the world if it's in danger. This world needs to die."

"Yeah, that's something we both always agreed on." Kat chirped from the couch.

I was confused. They wanted the world to end? Okay...

{{*oh shit two chapters because I need to pass time*

Bye my Rads and Bye Y'all!~}}

He Returns (Sequel to 'He Waits)Where stories live. Discover now