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~Dark's POV~

I watch as (Y/N) drifts asleep, then look at Kat.

"I want you to listen. I'm going to try to go in her mind, and possibly it'll work. If it does, please don't do anything to me or her. I'll be in an almost trance, she's asleep." I wait for an answer.

"Alright. You do care about her.. I didn't think demons had feelings..." she muttered the last part, but I caught it.

"Bitch, demons can have feelings - most of the time we ignore them." I lean back, closing my eyes, and wrapping an arm around (Y/N)

~Y'all's POV~

I look around, confused. I was standing in a black land, with no beginning or end.

'Where the hel-'

Someone grabbed me from behind. I shrieked, and defense kicked in. I rammed my elbow back, then push off and spin, hands up and ready.

Instead of an attacker, I just see Dark on his knees, holding his stomach. " hurts..."

Holding in laughter, I walk over and sit next to him. "Are you alright?" He glared at me.

"Oh I'm just peachy."

"Excuse you hoe, I'm trying to make sure you are okay."

He rolled his eye (still odd) and got up, wincing slightly.

" know where we are?"

"Your mind space." He looked around. "Which you apparently haven't been in, because it's as bare as the North Pole."

"Fuck you."

{{Here. Take it. I'm trying children.

Bye my Rads and Bye Y'all!~}}

He Returns (Sequel to 'He Waits)Where stories live. Discover now