47 | jason dean

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imagine ; you being out with a friend and jason butts into your conversation

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imagine ; you being out with a friend and jason butts into your conversation. you found him weird at first, but somehow he attracted you.

"i hate them, a lot, they act like they own the place," you place your hands on your hips and shake your head, "it's like, suddenly they become popular and treat everyone else like shit."

"and liam always starts fights for no reason, i don't get it! they've turned the school into a total shit show, no one even gets along anymore because they've split everyone up." your best friend tells you with an angry look on their face.

"the only place different social types can genuinely get along with each other is in heaven," a guy from behind you says quietly, but loud enough for you both to hear.

you turn around and notice a boy with dark eyes and dark hair grinning at you both.

"y/b/f's name, and you are?" he/she tells jason, returning the grin.

"j.d," he turns his head to you and nods, "you?"

you simply send him a fake smile and turn back around.

one of your friends from westerberg high told you that this j.d, whose real name is jason dean, pulled out a gun at school once. you don't want to get dragged into his sketchy business and decide to ignore him. but you can feel his eyes on you.

"why do you even try talking to him?" you ask your friend when they come back from a short conversation with j.d.

"he looks cool, doesn't he?" he/she tells you with a wide grin. "his voice is also very-"

"shut up," you tell him/her and roll your eyes at their nonsense. but even you have to admit that j.d. looks super cool.


a/n ; oh my god how long has it been????sorry so bad i think i might end this book at number 50 idk.

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