Rant time

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Ok guys it's time to vent off some frustrations. Again.

So I got my phone taken away again. Why? Because my stupid asshole sister comes in my damn room during Smackdown and lays into me how she uninstalled YouTube on my phone saying I watch stupid stuff. BITCH I WAS WATCHING FUCKING AMERICAN DAD ON THERE!!!!!! Then she snitches to my father who unsurprisingly sides with her and gives her full authority over me. Then she goes on to say I don't know how to talk, I don't know who I am, and it's all because of the phone. So now I'm on parental control, basically meaning that I have to turn in my phone when I go home.

First off, I'm not even on my phone much anymore and I use it at night to help me go to sleep by watching ASMR videos (sue me whatever). Second when I am on it, I'm look I up stuff that I'm interested in like Godzilla, NFL, WWE ETC. Now I can't get my phone to myself until I pay for it, which will be soon. Next Friday to be exact. This is supposed to be the happiest day for me because it's finally my one month anniversary with Balors_Demons but now I can't even FUCKING talk to you her unless I'm at school. Do you have any idea how much that hurts me?! This is a girl who I want to spend the rest of my life with and this shit happens!!!! Fuck my sister and fuck this parental control bull fucking shit!!!!! I'm sorry to all my friends on here and I'll be limited until I pay for my phone. I just want to say I love all of you and thank you for being there for me.

Balors_Demons - I love you so much baby girl and I hope I can speak to you soon because I miss you. Because I can't bear another second without you 😍😍

NOPINKYNOPARTY - I'm so sorry buddy. I never asked for this but it happened. I will be back on full time. Love you my Mad Max. My Ambrose to my Rollins. My best friend 😊😊

BeingCrazyIsOkIThink - My role playing buddy. Thank you for putting up with me in the rps for as long as you did. It means a lot. You're honestly the reason I rp 😏🤗

Other friends that have my eternal thanks and have a spot in my heart 🙂🙂🙂🙂
XiaoLunatic27 ThatGirlInTheAsylum BeingCrazyIsOkIThink The-Missing Jellybean8431 TheLegitEmpire Blissfit_ LegitAsylum

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