Chapter 2: Visions and Revisions

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(Note: Was listening to the above when writing this. Dark but fun least to me.)

October 30- 7:45 A.M:

Morestead Heights High School is now beginning to fill with students. Buses are arriving. By now, Lavana's parents have notified the masses on her missing. Many parents were notified. They notified their kids. Their kids texted their friends who texted their friends and posted on Facebook then Tweeted it. The entire school is now aware before first period begins.

The teens with newly acquired licenses are also arriving. A mustang pulls up. The driver is Marcus (Hispanic), 18, former star quarterback before getting kicked off the team. It was a combination of a bad attitude and always provoking fights with members of his own team more so than the opposing ones. His arms are like thick branches and he obviously has plenty of cash. The passenger's seat is Marcus' girlfriend, Melissa (Caucasian), 18. She is the envy of a lot of girls due to Marcus being considered one of the hottest guys in school. In the back seat are three other people.

The first is Sedrick (African American), 17 and currently on the same football team that Marcus was kicked off. The second is Belinda(Hispanic). She is 17 and Marcus' cousin as well as Sedrick's girlfriend. Last is, Joseph, 18 (African American), the saddest of the group as both of his parents were murdered this past Valentine's Day. More on that later.

All 4 walk towards the school's entrance.

One student, 17 year old, Ammie, refuses to take the bus. She hates being trapped on a bus full of annoying little shits that she cannot relate to. Her parents work too early or too late and cannot drive her. She prefers it that way though. She is normally well rounded. This batch of anti-depressants are much more effective than her last. Effective in the sense that she has not created any new scars since she began ingesting them. All the scars on HER wrist are from last month. This day she has slept 3 hours in two days. The only food she ate were too mini bags of M&Ms. She would always eat in her room with her dog. She would feed all her food to her dog, not caring if it was good for him or not. To her parents, she simply finished her meal. She takes her normal route this morning which coincidentally passes the Wanderers Woods. The wind is picking up. The sounds of crunching leaves beneath her feet are all that she hears.

She stops suddenly and slowly looks towards the woods which are about 100 feet from the side walk. She watches as the trees sway from side to side. She isn't sure what compelled her to stop at this moment but she seems as if she is waiting for something. She shakes it off and continues walking to school.

Back at the school, 4 of what many consider to be the prettiest girls in school are walking together. All 4 not believing that they should be envied, but embrace the fact that they are and stared at for the most part. Brandi is their unelected leader due to her having the only car of the group. Celina is her best friend since middle school. Kim and Alexis are the real head turners of the group. Despite their slightly conceited ways, they really aren't that bad. They are easy to get along with for the most part. They are far from the Mean Girls type of personalities.

Marcus steps in front of them, stopping them in their tracks.

Marcus: "Ladies and ladies, are you ready for the party?"

Brandi: "Of course. Brother is buying us a few bottles."

Marcus: "Awesomely bad ass."

Marcus: "Costumes...let's talk costumes. What are you going as?"

Celina: "Sexy nurse."

Alexis: "Sexy cop."

Brandi: "Sexy teacher."

Kim: "Sexy ladybug."

Marcus closes his eyes, takes a deep breath and exhales.

Marcus: "Ladies, don't take this the wrong way but there is nothing sexy about Halloween. It's Halloween not Whore-A-Ween!"

All 4 are left speechless, jaws dropped open.

Marcus: "I mean, regardless of its origins, nowhere does it read that women dressed like whores, trash or gutter bitch-sluts to ward off demons or evil. In fact, you are enabling evil by doing such behavior. If I went to church I'd pray for you. I really would but since I don't then you better hope someone else does or you're so fucked. And trust me, I don't mean the way whores are."

Brandi, shocked: "Ooo-k."

Marcus: "So, Celina, you become Nurse Ratchet. Alexis, be Maniac Cop, please look it up if you don't know the reference and shame on you if you don't. Brandi, please have the severed head of one of your students with you. Kim, ladybugs can't be scary no matter how much blood is splattered on it so be a fucking spider or cockroach or something. Seriously! It's Hall-o-fucking-ween!!! Get with the times, ladies! See you there." (Smiles)

Marcus walks off like a true boss would. The girls look at each other.

Brandi: "We need to skip 3rd period and go to the damn store."

Celina: "Why are we going? He just called us whores."

Kim: "No, he said don't dress like whores. He called us ladies. Plus, he has the best damn weed out there."

Alexis: "She's right."

Brandi: "3rd period, by the cafeteria, don't be late."

Ammie walks passed them without either side noticing one another.

It is 8:00 A.M and the tardy bell rings. Ammie is in her 1st period history class, unamused by any of the historical rhetoric that the school mandates. To her right is an empty desk. This desk belongs to Lavana. Ammie rests her head on her left hand, just staring at the desk. Her equally unenthusiastic teacher takes a final sip of her over sugared coffee and gets up from her cluttered desk and begins her obligatory teachings. 1st period ends and Ammie exits her class. As she walks, two poster children for gothic girls, Maria and Colleen walk by her, bumping into her. Ammie looks at them in frustration as they walk by her. Ammie walks into the bathroom and enters a stall. She closes and locks the door. She reaches in her bag and takes out a bottle of over the counter sleeping pills.

She places her hand over the cap and pauses. The debate whether to take them all is fierce in her mind. She can't decide. She stops and places them back in her bag just as the tardy bell rings for 2nd period. This is her 3rd tardy which means she will have after school detention at some point. She knows that but realizes something that only she is aware of and doesn't let it bother her.

She exits the stall and goes to the sink to wash her hands. She turns the water off. She turns and is face to face with Lavana's decomposing face. She pauses in terror when Lavana vanishes. Ammie backs up against the wall and starts sobbing silently.

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