Out of the Shadows

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Over twenty years has passed. It is time for a new warrior to arise from the Darkness

Through out time the Battlefields may have changed but the prize has always remained the same. The Human soul. Each warrior is born as A clean slate knowing nothing. There only instincts they can act apon are drawn from there past.

"So you sure this guy's honest?" The detective asked walking through the back allies.

"I'm positive,he's been a reliable source for a while." The detectives partner said as they turned a corner and walked half way down before they met the informant .

The man walked to the detectives clearly shaken. Before he could say a single word a gunshot rang out and a hole was punched through the poor bastard blood spraying over the detectives. 

As they finally came to terms of what happened and saw the thug above the corpse. However a shotgun was pressed into the side of the detectives head and before he knew it half his head was gone. 

As this happened a shadow crawled down from an old church. It's red cape moving like an extension of it's demonic form.

The dead detectives partner did the only thing he could think of. He ran. The grunt pointed the gun forward and took aim before he pulled the trigger. The bullet passed through his leg and ruined what chances the detective had at running. The thug walked to the detective and placed the gun in his mouth. "Now tell me. Who else knows?" He asked the man.

The detective stared up wide eyed. "No body." He said with the gun in his mouth. 

However as he said this a car rolled up the headlights shining on the thugs and wounded cop. A man stepped out looking at them. "Do we need to worry about anyone else?" He asked and moved to the back.

"He didn't tell anyone." He said and the third thug nodded as he pulled a gas canister from the trunk. He walked around leaving a trail of gas and began dumping the detective in gas.

As he was being soaked the man still pleaded. "Please. I have a wife. Kids." 

However as the thug dropped the gas canister the second pulled out a zippo lighter and the bright flames danced like a snake. "For there sake I hope you have decent life insurance " The thug said but as he went to drop the lighter voice came from the shadows by an unknown person

"Let'em Go." It said and the shotgun wielding thug turned to look at where it came from before something pulled him into the darkness. Screams fallowed him as well as the sound of breaking bones. Soon enough though he was thrown back into the light hitting the man with the lighter. The lighter fell and when it hit the ground the top closed shut extinguishing the flame.

The third thug pulled and Uzi from his pocket and began to unload the clip into the monster in font of him. It rose above him and hissed like something out of his worst nightmare. The chains and red cloak added to it's devilish appearance. The monster wrapped the chains around his neck and threw him into the car. The thugs head going right through the windshield his neck snapping from the impact. 

The second thug pushed his friends off himself and stood up pulling out a gun. He pointed it at the monster but it was too quick. It grabbed the mans arms and bent it out of shape putting the barrel of the gun against his head. 

"What are you?" The thug asked but received no answer as the monster made him pull the trigger. 

Three dead. The monster released the thug and turned around as he heard a voice call out. "Stay back!" The detective said managing to stand said pointing a gun at the figure. 

"You don't want to do that." The figure stated looking at the man. The man didn't listen and turned his head then pulled the trigger. The bullet flew passed the monsters head and the spark from the bullet leaving the chamber ignited the gasoline that covered him.

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