Chapter 3/ Willow

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"We accept the Love we think we deserve."
           -Stephen Chbosky


"Change." He orders looking at my outfit as i sat my happy butt on the stool in the kitchen. I turn slightly in the stool, and raised a brow at the bossy Alpha.

"Why?" I ask challenging him. I was wearing a blue tank top with cute little flamingos on it, and pink gym shorts. It was simple, not revealing, and most of all VERY cute. I had decided on going to where ever my mate was going. Maybe to train? I was dying to take a run!!

"To revealing." He spat, staring into my brown eyes. Why did he care? I groaned rubbing my sleepy eyes with my fists. I was too tired, and hungry for his bull crap.

"Nope, not changing." I say sticking my tongue out and grabbing a piece of bacon. "Hey!" Nathaniel whines smacking my hand away. He was making breakfast but i was too hungry to wait. My mate just groans and leaves the kitchen. Was i really so difficult?

"Hey wait!" I say hopping off the stool and following the difficult male out of the kitchen. He stops which causes me to run straight into his back. I yelp and step back as my body explodes with tingles. He seemed to flinch, making me think he felt them too.

'Ohhh boyyyy' my wolf purrs, acting like a horny teenager.

"What?" He asks rudely side glaring at me.

"Can i come with you today?" I ask raising a brow at him. He hasn't even turned around.

"Sure, but only if you change." He growls and storms off.


I ended up only changing my shirt into a simple black tee. If he wanted to change my shorts then he'd have to change me himself.

'And you say i'm the pervert?' My wolf laughs.


I skipped around my mate slightly annoying him as i just keep going- my goal was to annoy the heck out of him. "Do you have something wrong with you?" He asks stopping in his tracks. I continue to skip around him, and giggle.

"No I'm just really hyper!" I stop and smile shyly at him. He just shakes his head and keeps walking. What a bummer!

I was beginning to wonder if i embarrassed him.. I shook my negative thoughts away and smiled as we reached the training field. "Sit on the bleachers." He ordered pointing to the left. I look towards where he pointed- noticing the rusty old bleachers and frown.

"I came here to run and train." I whine, turning to look back at him. I could feel eyes on us causing my cheeks to be covered with a light pink. I was like a small puppy compared to him, and he was like a giant beast.

"Well. If sitting down isn't good enough for you, go back." He snapped harshly, pointing back to the way we came, and side stepped me, leaving me alone. I groaned quietly, and walked over to sit on the scolding hot bleachers. As i got closer i just decided to sit on the ground.

I tapped my foot- playing with the grass and being bored as i watched shirtless guys run around and work out. If i wasn't so bored i would have enjoyed it..

'You have a mate, keep your eyes to yourself missy!' My wolf scolds making me chuckle.


I slowly stood from my spot trying to not get attention on myself as i slowly crept over to where the guys were training. My mate was looking down at his clip board so i took this as a chance and dived into the crowd of guys.

"Hi." A blonde guy waves at me, his blue eyes sparkle as he looks down at me. These guys were massive!

"Hello!" I giggled and waved up at him.

"Are you Aiden's little sister?" The guy asked raising a brow. Aiden? Sister? Who, what, when, where, and why? Was Aiden one of the guards?

"Aiden?" I ask slightly looking confused. Who is Aiden?

"Alpha." He nods towards the powerful male still staring at the clip board.

"Oh-" Im cut off by the whistle blowing loudly. I try to look over the guys shoulders but fail.

"Laps!" My mate- uh- Aiden yells. I take off running and try to stay hidden within the group. Letting my hyper level drain every time my sneakers hit the ground. This was so relaxing! If only i could shift, and let my wolf out.. that would be way better..

I end up somehow outrunning the group, well the blonde guy was right beside me so i wasn't running alone. But we were at the front of the group in plain sight of.. Aiden. I flinched when he blew his whistle. He didn't know my name so he couldn't yell after me which i thought was funny.

I yelped as i tripped, and fell on my butt. Causing the group to laugh at me, and try not to step on me. The group stopped laughing when there was a loud growl, and a mad Alpha stomping over.

"I thought i told you to stay on the bleachers!" He shouted glaring down at me as he was about 2 feet away. "Go sit on the bleachers." Aiden growled pointing back, at the rusty, old, gross bleachers. Ew. I stood up and kept my head down as i walked back to the bleachers. I sat down on the bleachers, and looked down at my hands. My wolf was whining and acting like it was my fault. It was my fault, i just didn't want to admit it..


After practice i followed Aiden quietly home- trying to not annoy him anymore than i already have.

"Your name." Aiden says abruptly stopping. It didn't sound like a question just a demand. My name? He wants to know my name?

"Willow" I replied, standing awkwardly behind him- wishing he'd turn around so we could make eye contact. He is doing that thing where he doesn't look back..

"Willow.." he whispers, i don't think he thought i could hear him. My cheeks flushed A dusty pink color as i heard my name slip off his tongue. That felt weird..

"Annoying name for an Annoying girl." He says side glancing at me, and giving me a boyish smirk before continuing the walk back to the house.

"You're rude. AIDEN." I mock childishly, and kick the back of his ankles. Before i could blink he quickly turned around, and grabbed my wrists. He stepped forward to where our bodies were almost touching. I bit my lip nervously as i looked up at him. Was he going to kiss me? The thought of him kissing me made my cheeks turn a dark red. Please just kiss me already!

'And you say I'm needy...' my wolf scoffs.

"And you're annoying, WILLOW." He mocked back, and let go of my wrists. He walked off chuckling darkly, and leaving me in a flustered state. How dare he?!

"I'll get you back.." i whisper to myself, and try to catch up to the long legged male.


Wooahhh well heyy!

Aiden you poopy butt!

One minute you're a tease then you're all rude and threatening.

Thanks for reading 📖 !!

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