Learn a Little

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   School, a place of teaching and being taught, a place to meet new people and grow. A place that you would think includes well, learning. Unless you go to my school. You know how they say "don't judge a book by its cover", yeah well that it's very much true with my school. It may look all nice and fancy on the outside almost like it's a castle... Haha yeah well not so much on the inside. Let me tell you a little something about my school, the people who go there may be rich and may come from wealthy or noble families. But that does not mean anything. They are all the same. Well except for me of course, haha.

    Although I technically should not be at this school considering I'm not rich nor am I from a noble family. I'm from Indiana. Elkhart, Indiana to be more specific. It's close to the bottom of the state.

   Anyway, if you'd like to know how I got into this school.... well it's quite simple of a story. My mom teaches here. She teaches English (don't tell her I told you this but, I hate English). She talked to the principal and pulled a few strings to get me in. I guess the only thing that sucks besides some of the kids are the fact that we had to live in dorms on campus.

     But if you're wondering where my father is in this whole situation... he left when I was 3. My mother(Ann) never told me why, she never wants to talk about him. But I guess it's best that I don't know him. I mean after all he did leave.

    Anyway most of the kids here are stuck up or just spoiled little brats, except for a select few, these few are my best friends. There is Catherine who is my BFFL. She has short red hair. We do everything together and we've known each other since freshman year, so when I came to this school. There is Kyle, he's really smart and he's a really nice boy. But he's kinda a nerd. He wears glasses and always has his face in a book. There's Allen who is more of the jock in our little group but he's not really one of those mean, dumb jocks. He's really sweet and has about a 3.5 GPA. He has shaggy orange hair and these really pretty green eyes. Finally, we has Loren. She's Allen's girlfriends. He's the only reason she's in our ground. I hated her at first because she's kinda stuck up and loves to gossip, but over the months we all grew to like her. She's one of us now.

   That's our little group and we love it. It's not big but we are all we need.

Hope you guys are enjoying it so far. <3
Love yuh!

Sorry if the newer chapters are
Not up for reading. It may take a bit for me to finish them seeing as I'm still in school. But bare with me. They'll be up for reading soon.

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