Don't worry.

5 0 0

Class finishes. But not as the bell rings. No! we only leave when the teacher says so... what he heck is the point of the bell then? Is it just a suggestion? Like "Hey I'm yelling to tell you that you should let your students go buuuuuut do you if don't wanna you don't gotta."

After finally leaving the class room I make my way down stares to my next class.

Time seems to fly by when you're zoning out. Until your teacher calls on you to so something



"MILAY!" Shouts Mr. Hall

My heart jumps after finally hearing Mr. Hall say my name. I quickly scan the room to see everyone looking my way. A small shy smile settles on my face. "Y-yes Mr. Hall?"

"I asked you to come solve this equation." He states disappointedly.

"Oh eerm o-ok..." my eyes skimming through the class trying to figure out what people have written down (I have no idea what we are learning.) I shift my eyes to the kid next to me to see if they have their notes open, but nope. Their desk is empty. Except for their phone sitting there with their head practically shoved into it.

Lyra's giggling in the back of my head doesn't help my nerves calm down, "hehe youuu in trouuublllle"

"Shut up" I whisper to her.

"Excuse me? What was that Milay?" Mr. Hall questions sternly, "I'd like you to stay after class."

My heart sinks. I can't get into trouble. Mom will be so disappointed a-and I can't get kicked out. I need to go to this school. "Y-yes sir."

Class goes by very slowly as I anxiously await my soon to come scolding.

Then that time finally came. The bell had rang and everyone was dismissed. My stomach was full of butterflies and I was trying my hardest to not let my anxiety get the best of me.

Hesitantly I stood up and walked to the desk where Mr. Hall sat. His eyes were a dark brown and full of disappointment and a slight hint of sadness?

He shuffles around turning my direction and clears his throat, then takes off his circular glasses.

"Milay are you doing ok? I'm worried about you. Your grades have been dropping and you've been zoning out more times than I can count." He frowns.

"Yes, I'm ok Sir. I've just had a long week. With tests and stuff."

He lets out a soft sigh and puts his glasses back on, "Alright. But if there is anything bothering you. You know you can talk to me."

"I know Sir" a soft smile crossing my face. "Thank you"

(Now for anyone wounding here, No, Mr. Hall doesn't have a thing for me. He's my mother's boyfriend of 3 years so he's like my dad. No teacher x student stuff going on here.)

I give him a slight node and walk out of the classroom. The rest of the day goes by painlessly, quickly and kinda gloomy.

That boy Oliver was in my last period class. Hmmm I get to see him at the beginning of the day and the end. How convent. But fine by me because I get to study him for a total of three hours a day. Is that weird? To just stare at someone? Yeah probably but oh well.

"Hey Milay would that make you a stalker?" Lyra teases out of the blue.

"No! Not a stalker. I'm not like researching him and following him places.... I'm just studying. I mean, I'm an artist so I like to study the human figure. Like his eyes and how they watch people move, his shoulders as they shift when he needs to get comfortable, or how his leg bounces up and down as he waits impatiently for the last bell to ring." I defend myself from her.

My eyes scan over him, following his movements until I reach his eyes and make awkward eye contact.

My throat tightens and my face begins to heat up. Yet we keep eye contact. Why am I still looking at him?!? LOOK AWAY YOU IDIOT!

Finally I snap out of it and look away. That was.... embarrassing....

After some time the class ends and I quickly speed out of the classroom trying to avoid any form of confrontation with Oliver.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2019 ⏰

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