New student

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   The day begins. Everyone is rushing to their first class of the day trying not to be late. Because if you're late... let's just say there's a big price to pay. So many students push and shoving each other through the hall ways. Some students are shoved against walls. Lucky I managed to get to school early today and I get to watch as the student walk past the door way of my first class.

    I put on my headphones on to drown out the sound of chatter around me. People probably gossiping or spreading rumors. Talking about teachers and students. Filling the heads of those around them with lies and non sense. But it's non of my business so I just ignore it.

    My ice blue eyes wonder to the window as the birds fly by chasing butterflies, so peacefully in the air, outside and flying free. I wonder if that would ever even be possible, to fly.

   Hearing a loud bang though my headphones and my desk shake, I look up, my heart beating a little quicker then normal. My eyes meet with Allen's. A small smile grows on my face as I look into his excitedly bright eyes.

   Sliding my hands up to grip my headphones and pulling them off and remove brown strands of hair out of my face to listen to what he has to say.

   "Hey Milay! How's it goin?" Allen says with a sneaky smirk as if he's hiding something.

   I pause for a second trying to figure him out," Hey Allen." I say giving him a confused look.

   He looks around and leans in close to me, whispering in my ear like a kindergartner whispering to his friend about some cookies the teacher secretly had, "meet me after school in the campus food court."

   I raise an eyebrow still trying to figure out what he's up to, " alright...." there's something fishing about him today. I wonder what's up?

   He jumps back and bolts out of the class room. I chuckle a little to myself. "What's that all about? He's so weird..." I whisper to myself while shaking my head and slide my headphones back on.

  My mom walks into the classroom with a rosy red skirt on and a white blouse, she has her long dirty blond hair up in a neat bun and the cute red heals that I know she stole from my closet. She has her normal perl earrings on along with her heart shaped diamond necklace that I got her last year for Christmas. Had to work extra hours to get them. But it was worth it.

After placing her books and loose papers on her desk she instantly orders us to sit in our seats and take out our English textbooks. (These things are like bricks) Out of the corner of my eye I watch as the students scramble to their seats, instantly taking out their books.

"Turn to page 357. And read to page 384." She points to the book and scans the room making sure the student's eyes are on her. Once everyone's attention is on her she smiles and holds a strong posture making she everyone knows she's in controle here.

I can hear the faint sigh of some students in the back groaning under their breath. Not wanting to read. We all flip page after page reading sentence after sentence. About 20 or so minutes later there's a knock on the classroom door.

Almost all of us look up as Ms. Oakian walks towards the door. She turns the door knob and pushes it into someone. Then let's go and it continues to open as the person on the other side pulls it. She then walks back to her desk and stands in front of the class.

A boy about 6'2" walks into the room. His hair is black like the night. It's a bit longer then most of the preppy boy's hair that this school. It wasn't styled. It was messy like he had just woken up. It was cute. He wears black pants, a white collared shirt with a black and red tux jacket over it and black shoes. He has a sharp jaw line (I swear you could cut your finger on it if you tried.) and he looks as if he's maybe a rock climber or he just has he body of one.

He turns his head to look around the room scanning the ground to students and landing on me, his eyes are a light lime-green. His eyes lock with my gaze. His eyes fade into a darker green color. Then they go back to their normal color. A small smile grows on his face and then falls when Ms. Oakian speaks,"Well class, I can see your eyes are already up here. I'd like you all to meet Oliver. He will be joining us from now on."

She looks at "Oliver" and puts her hand on his shoulder. She whispers something to him and points at a desk next to me. He walks over caring a black backpack on his back and sits down in the desk next to me. I can see him glance my way from the corner of his eye and then snap his eyes forward.

Watching him sit down my mind starts to wonder, "why does she wear so much black? But man does he look good in it. Oh my gosh, why is he so hot?Why the heck am I thinking this? I don't even know him! But mmm he's noice!"

I could heart Lyra in the back of my head screaming as well, she's just as freaked out as I am (Lyra is like the voice in the back of my head. She's always been their. I'm pretty sure it's normal but I don't know. She's always there for me, like a best friend that never leaves.Ever. No matter how much I want her to shut up. She's there.)

Lyra screams and squeals, "oh my Gosh! DO YOU SEE THAT!? HE'S SO HOT! Oh My Gosh! MILAY LOOK!"

  "I know I can see. What I see is what you see dumby" I say while casually whispering to myself.

Suddenly my mind falls back into the real world and I notice him waving at me. Realizing I was accidentally staring at him. My heart pounding out of my chest. I look back at my text book trying to ignore him.

Hey guys! Hope you're enjoying it so far! I'm enjoying writing this for you guys!

I can't wait to see what happens next between Milay and Oliver!!!

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