Chapter 1

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'Holy shit, that's Tyler!' you think to yourself as you sit, shocked, at a covered outdoor patio table outside of Cold Stone Creamery.

You and your bestie have been looking forward to tonight for months, finally getting to see Twenty One Pilots together. You scored GA tickets and you were going to jump and sing and scream together; it was going to be epic! You woke up early and dressed in denim shorts, black sports bra with loose, cut off white tank, and converse. Not the most epic of concert attire, but hey, it's cute, comfy, and cool since summers in Kansas City were not only hot but humid. 

You pull your hair into a messy pony and head out. You both were too excited, leaving shortly after breakfast to just make a day of it together. She got great parking close to the venue, and since it was still pretty early, you two decided to explore downtown a bit, wasting some time before heading to the venue to line up for tonight's show.

A few blocks away, you two spot the ice cream shop and immediately know it's a good idea. It's mid-July, and even though it's still mid-morning, temps are already in the 90's. You agree that if she goes inside to get the ice cream, you'll grab the table. 

And that's how you find yourself, currently staring across the street, mouth agape, at none other than Tyler freakin' Joseph.

Before you even have a chance to think about it, you are on your feet, headed straight for Tyler. He isn't with anyone that you can see, and you vaguely wonder how odd it is for him to be out by himself before you quickly dismiss the thought. I mean, let's be real, your brain is pretty close to short-circuiting at the moment. 

You walk quickly, half jogging across the street to where he is. Your legs are shaking as you come close enough for him to finally look up at you.

"Umm, excuse me, Tyler?" He looks at you expectantly, albeit a bit wide-eyed. "Oh my god, hi! It's so amazing to meet you! I'm going to be at your show tonight!" you quickly blurt out, adrenaline taking over.

"Yeah? That's sick!" he says with a small smile.

"Do you mind, can I take a selfie with you?" you ask, moving forward when he starts to nod.

You take the selfie and turn to thank him when he starts speaking first, "Hey, do you mind not posting that to any social media for a while, maybe, like, an hour or so? I just don't want a lot of people to know where I am and get bombarded," he states quietly. It's just a simple request; not a huge deal at all.

Immediately you are mortified. How could you have done that? You bothered him on probably some of the only downtime he has. All this poor man wants is some quiet time to himself, and here you are, hounding him like the annoying fangirl you are. You feel awful for disturbing him, and tears are already welling up, threatening to spill when you look up and plead, "Oh my god, I am so sorry!" 

You try to hold it back, but the tears betray you and start to fall. He reaches up and starts to speak, but you keep going, "I didn't mean to bother you, Tyler. I am soo sorry!" You turn and bolt back across the street to your table, Tyler's hand left hanging in the air, words never getting to leave his mouth.

You sit back down, cross your arms over the table, and bury your head in your arms. You feel terrible. You want to just die. How could you do that? You've fantasized a million times what you would do if you ever met a celebrity, and it never went like what just happened. How could you have been so inconsiderate? You replay the events in your head over and over, as you continue to sob into your folded arms. You feel your bestie sit down beside you and you immediately start spilling. 

"Morgan, you're not gonna believe this," you start, finally lifting your head, wiping your eyes, "I just met- Josh?!" Your eyes finally focus back up and it's totally not your bestie, but Josh that is sitting next to you. "Josh, what are you..."

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