Chapter 8

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"Bet you can't make it from over here!" you shout, most of the way across the bedroom now.

It's closing in on midnight now, but the two of you could not be more awake. Instead, you are both running around his bedroom, each dressed in cat onesies, his in gray and yours in black, trying to see who can throw a piece of popcorn and make it into the other's mouth from furthest away. A giant bowl of popcorn sits in the middle of the dresser, right next to his laptop that is currently playing cat fail compilations on youtube.

He pushes the sleeves of his onesie up to his elbows. "Bet you I can! Watch this!" He grabs a whole handful of popcorn, takes aim, and tosses the whole handful at your open mouth.

"HEY! You can't do that! That's cheating!"

He gasps and places his splayed hand across his chest in pretend shock. "Me? Cheat? I would never," he says with a giant grin.

"Oh, that is it!" you exclaim. "You are so gonna get it now!" you say as you launch yourself at him, hands poised at the ready. He lets out a screech and attempts to run away, but he's not quick enough. You catch up to him, sinking your fingers into his ribs. He falls back onto the bed, squealing for mercy.

"Nooooooo!" he shrieks as he erupts into a fit of laughter. "Stop! Quit! I can't breathe!" he howls in between fits of giggles. He's rolling left to right and kicking his feet.

You continue your assault as you bargain, "Okay, Mr. Dun, but on one condition..."

"Anything!" he barely chokes out in between gasps of air and fits of laughter.

"You gotta kiss me."

You stop your assault on him and he throws one arm over his eyes while he lies there panting, trying to catch his breath. He removes his arm from his eyes before continuing, "Now that, I think I can handle."

He leans up onto his elbows, placing his lips on yours for a chaste kiss. When he pulls away, he remains close, looking into your eyes. He shifts his weight, lifts a hand to your cheek and closes the gap again, kissing you longer this time. Slower. You wrap your arms around him and lay down next to him. This... this feels like home.

You shift to your back and pull him in tight so that he is cuddled up next to you, his head under your chin and resting on your shoulder. He slings his arm over waist, pulling you in closer. Your stomach does a small flip and you reach down and run your fingertips up and down his forearm, the slight buzz almost tickling him.

He lets out a heavy, contented sigh as he nuzzles his head in deeper. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, Josh," you answer as you continue to rub his arm.

"It was the strangest thing, I- I almost can't describe it. My body didn't feel whole anymore. It felt like I was left with a giant hole in my chest that just ached and ached, you know? Like, I could go about my day and stuff, but I always felt... empty. It felt like a piece of me was literally gone."

You sigh before leaning down to kiss the top of his head, pulling him even closer to you. He's so warm. "Remember when I said our souls would never stop searching for each other once they were introduced to each other, especially after a bonding act like a kiss?" He chuckles and agrees, his hair tickling your chin as he nods.

"Well, that's what you were feeling, what we were feeling. Your soul recognized mine when we met and it reached out, loving when it got the same response from my soul reaching back out to yours. Then suddenly they were torn apart again and it was torture for them. It was a loss and your soul was in true agony. That hole you felt in your chest was your soul longing, yearning, reaching out and trying desperately to find its mate. I felt it too, and believe me, it was like death."

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