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Ps from now on I will be picking random songs for an intro.

Present Zuma pov

It was mission day I was so scawd and I was about to lose it.
You would think that just because I was good with a snipew I'm gonna be pewfect sike. anyways let's talk about the mission.

Past Zuma pov

"Alright pups put these on, it's body armor and military clothing". Wider said. Aww man black clothes I wanted orenge, well if I don't want to die I better not look look like a Target saying " HAYYY SHOOT MEEE NO ME NOT HIM ME SHOT ME. So I bettew were the black.

1 hour later

So we were on the boat and I was dwiveing and we saw a huge ship that said on the said,"Korea is mother land". So we pulled up about 4 feet away just to make sure no one was on the unloading dock. " Clear". Duke said. "Our plan was to split in 2 groups of 4 the first group is my self Rock , Tracker , and Duke. Our team was a snipew team.

The second team was a ground team it was Rider , Chase , Marshall , and Spot.

Past Rocky pov

I took out my svd and amied it at ground team Tracker amied just behind Duke amied to the left and Zuma amied to the right
(If you are against Christianity skip next part paragraph) I prayed and hoped that no casualties will occur.

But then out of nowhere *BANG BANG BANG!!*  "TAKE COVER NOW!!!" Chase yelled.  As I was shooting I saw a familiar face and suddenly a flash back occurred

(Before the flash back I'm not going to be putting  he said or she said.  I'm going to just put the name of the person who is taking before they speak ex. Chase: Chase is on the case. Got it good)


Rocky's Dad :No it's not them you want it's me don't kill them.
Me whipering in the corner with my mom holding me. I was so scared. *BANG*
Rocky's mom :JIMMY NO! Fuck you Raul Menendez.
Raul: No no no, fuck you *BANG*
Raul: that's to bad little pup
With the *click* of the revover I knew my time was coming
???:Not so fast.
A human that was about 50 give or take,blasted threw the window with a German Shepherd around the age of 11 (in human years). As Menendez fought the sheperd the mistery humen took me away from the danger.

A few seconds later the German Shepherd then crashed threw the window with my brother Duke and a huge explosion happen and after that I was knocked out.

When I woke up I was in a street with my brother Duke and the man that saved me and Duke let the German Shepherd fight us every day even if we did not want to.

A few years later I  lost my brother and I was on the street. Me knowing I would never trust another human.

1 hour later a human walked by me scared out of my mind hid under a dupster and on top of that he had a puppy German Shepherd. So now I was screeming my head off in fear. The human offered I come with him so he could take me to a vet to get me fixed up. Now I didn't want to trust him but something in me roard. "TRUST HIM"! So I went out in absolut fear.
???:What's your name . He said in a carring tone
Rocky: R-ROCKY!
???: Alright then Rocky come on now you look starved.
Rocky: w-what is y-your name
The puppy German Shepherd: m-my name is Chase. He said hinding behind the human.
Human: I'm Rider.

End of flash back and chapter.

Thank you guys so much please comment and let me know your thoughts on the book so far  the next chapter is called  guns out and mouths shut part 2 seeyou guys tomorrow bye Ps before I go. Go subscribed to DashieGames on YouTube  he is a great guy and has vary funny content.BYEEEEE

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