CHAPTER 9: What Do You Mean?

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Sorry it was just to tempting leave a comment if I should do more of these.

Now for the song

Now for the story. I'm a funny person. Right?

Present Marshall pov

Rocky: So that's why you didn't answer our calls.
Marshall: Yeah,it would've helped if Chase told me Yuri was on our side in the first place.
Chase: Hay you weren't even supposed to be on the mission.
Duke: Yeah he was you don't remember the list of names of who was supposed to be on the mission.
Chase: Ohhh...I remember now
Spot: You would remember late now wouldn't you.

Past Duke pov

Alright so I started walking very slowly, making sure no one was in my sight. Later on I saw a man in uniform, I needed to take him out and get his uniform. I started to strangle him enough so he can die I took his uniform and his gun witch was a AK-47 and a TAC-45. God knows I missed my svd sniper and surrpresed PDW.
Duke: Guy's you alright.
Chase: Rocky's wounded but it's only on his shoulder and is pulling through like a beast
Rocky: I think we should pull out Skye start getting that chopper over here.
Skye: This puppy is gonna fly.
She said joyfully probably doing a back flip.
Later on I see Marshall tied up. So I walked in as casual as possible and dismiss the other men by telling them I would take over so they can take a brake. But for some reason I recognize one of those voices and made him stay.

Past Tracker pov

*Oh shit,oh shit, oh shit. They might of found out the man took off my mask and said my name
Duke: Tracker? He said with a tail wag.
Tracker: Duke. No puedo creer que estés aquí? How are you hear?
Duke (my oc) : I'm on a mission with Rocky,Chase,Skye, Marshall and Everest. W-what are you doing hear.
Tracker: Well before your mission Rocky put me on the roster for survalence. I'm doing a good job so far.

Duke: First thank you for teaching me Spanish,I would've been fucked if I talked to those guys in English. Second where's Marshall?
Tracker: First floor. Here show him this so he will know you are a friendly.
Duke: What is it.
Tracker: It's a fire Medallian he will know who is who with this puppy right?
We chuckled a bit and he started to walk away. Alright mission is almost over better change and find the rest of the team.

Past Marshall pov

Marshall: So you are one of us I see the Medallian.
Yuri: Yup, it's time that Menéndez dies.
Menéndez: So Yuri you are planning a revolt huu? Well then I will kill both of you

My only thought that was going through my head was *Why the fuck did he not just until me in the first place?*

Past Duke pov
I saw Marshall and Yuri with guns pointed to their heads (ohh hell no meme here)
Rocky: lil bro you got Marshall?
Duke: Nope but I might have to kill a couple of people to save him and Yuri.
Rocky: well Skye is here and we are waiting for you and Marshall.
I busted through the doors and started blasting my way to Marshall. I got shot about 3 times but that just gave me more adrenaline.
Menéndez:nNo no no Fuck you
I shot at Menéndez  and once I shot he shot me in my leg and ran. Good thing I killed all of his crew before I shot at him. Suddenly I felt...wozzy and fell out cold.

Past Marshall pov

I broke my self free with out making a fool of my self and went to carry Duke on my back so I can get on the roof and on that chopper and get a one way ticket the fuck out of here.
Rocky: hello Duke you alright
Marshall:Duke is alive but barely he is out cold and I'm running to the chopper  as fast as I can. 
Rocky: Alright get here fast we are under heavy fire.

(3 minutes later)  past Rocky pov

*BANG BANG BANG* Chase was shooting at the enemy pups while I was helping my brother
When suddenly a bullet that that made all of the other bullets stop

It was Menéndez with a revolver and it was pointing at Everest who was in the co pilot seat next to Skye I tried screeming but to no avail Everest fell in my arms with blood all over her. Skye now took off we were now in the Skye with a dead Everest in my arms.
At this point Duke had finally woken up. I was crying so much. Her last words were
Everest: Rocky I Love you so much. You were my only love in the world take care of the pups and kill Me-Menéndez.
I kissed her before she died and started crying so much I could drown in my own tears. Chase tried to confert me but it was no use

One helicopter ride later

I buried Everest right next to Ryder. After our mini funeral I went home to find it in rubble and Ashes. I went to the fire Marshall and Marshall to see what had happened. Apparently 3 pups died. I sat in disbelief when a note flew by. I picked it up and read

* Sup bitch remember me Menéndez. I'm the one who did this to your house and pups. And by the way while I was torturing them their screams were quite pleasing.

I couldn't believe it he killed my whole family. I had nothing. Later on Chase came up to me and took me back to my old pup house in the lookout. Once I went inside I slammed the door as hard as I could an destroyed everything. From the fridge on the floor to the bed being ripped up. It looked like a tornado was inside my house. And that tornado was me.

Ww mind blowing chapter and very sad also the longest chapter I've ever written.with a total of 1041 words. Please a moment of silence for the lost of Rocky's pups and Everest. Also Ryder

R.I.P : MOLLY, SHADOW, ROCKY JR., EVEREST, AND RYDER  They will be missed.

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