CHAPTER 13: What? why me?

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Rocky pov

I know what you guys are thinking. My brother Duke is annoying, he's actually not that bad, if you get to know him. Anyways after my brother was done showing off in his little fight, we started to put on scuba gear so we can infaltrate from the bottom. Im a smart pup
Duke: as Zuma would say let's dive in.
Chase: *laughs a bit and dives in*
Rocky: man I hate water. Shit *dives in* yuk *cringes a bit*.
Duke: *shakes his head and dives in*

My worse fear was all around me. The way it drenched my paws was awful. I hate Menéndez way more though.

Duke: *plants a bomb*
Rocky: what the hell are you doing. You will give away our position.
Duke: this is going to be our getaway. If they follow, I blow them to smitheroons
Chase: smithereens.
Duke: I say what I want

Chase pov

I can't believe we are doing this once again. We actually going to kill Menéndez. Im happy but scared. What if we don't make it. What would Skye do?

Duke pov

Oh wow it's been what..... One chapter sense I saw you guys? Anyways so im kinda scared about my brilliant "escape plan" I hope I don't get blown up in the process. So after a while we reach our mark and Rocky uses a mute charge. Making no sound what so ever and He then uses an explosive, making a huge hole.
Rocky: all clear.
Chase: alright where is Menéndez
Duke: hell if I know.

Chase pov

I feel a weird energy. It was kinda pulling me towards it, so I did the only thing my body could do. Follow it.
Rocky: Chase what are you doing
Chase: *stays quiet*

Rocky pov

What the hell is wrong with chase. One minute he's perfect little fine and the next he's not even responding to me
Chase: *runs*
Rocky: *follows*
Duke: here we go *runs*
Why was Chase running? Where is he going? I need to know. As I follow Chase I see Duke shortly behind me. Chase still running at full speed and. As we kept following he came to a sudden stop. Duke and I stopped as well and watched.

Duke pov

Why was Chase running? And what is he doing? I pull out my pistol/ five-seven and aim it down. Waiting for an unsuspecting enemy to walk by.
Chase then entered a room and Rocky and  I followed. When Rocky entered he quickly fell to the floor unconscious. When I went to check up on him I then felt a sharp pain in my head and fell to the ground and became unconscious.

OH SHIT!  That was a good ass chapter. I think It deserves some love. So leave a vote. Please

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