Can I ask some questions?

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Millie's POV
"Gracie, I swear to god if you say one more thing about Magcon being retarded I'm gonna..' before I could finish my sentence, I hear a small bang on my door. I tell Gracie I'll be back in a minute and put on mute. "Yeah, what do you want?" I say opening my door without looking who's there. I lift my eyes up and see that it's one of the younger girls, Livv, with a massive smile on her face. "Mills someone's here to adopt one of us!" She beams.
"And I needed to know that because?" I answer back with arrogance in my voice. I've finally given up hope on being adopted before I'm let out of this place at 16. You see it's not the fact that I'm 13 that I won't get adopted because we only have ages six to sixteen in this house so most people come here looking for an older child, but when people learn about my history everyone backs of from me because who wants a kid with a troubled past?

Livv's smile shrinks slightly but seconds later she returns back to her happy, bubbly usual self. "Please Mills, Come with me." She says sadly as she reaches her hands to grab mine. "Fine, let me go get my phone." I huff in defeat, heading back into my room swiftly to retrieve my phone. I quickly tell Gracie that I have to go and finish are face time, following Livv down the old, oak stairs.

As we reach the bottom of the stairs, I notice that all the kids are in the games room. They were all either playing some of the board games we have or chatting amongst themselves. I carry on following Livv into the room when I realise that there was a man, who looked about thirty, standing next to are head care worker Sadie. "Ahh, nice of you to join us Mills." Says Sadie as she turns her attention away from the kids in front of her and focusing on me. "Now that where all here," she continues now addressing everyone, "this is Elton." She gestures to the person next to her. I hear a small amount of replies and Elton replies back by saying "hi". Not giving much as to what's going on, I go sit on a bean bag in the corner of my room and put my earphones in so I can't hear anyone.

After about half an hour into listening to  The Dark side of the moon by Pink Floyd, I feel a small tap on my shoulder. I take my earphones out slowly and notice that Elton's standing in front of me with a huge smile on his face. "Hey." He says.
"Hi?" I reply back, slightly awkwardly.
"So, I was wondering if I could ask you some questions?" He says chuckling slightly. "Uh, yeah sure." I say chuckling slightly, "so what do you want to know?"
"So what's your name?"
"My names Millie."
"That's cool, um so do you have any hobbies?" He asks kind of awkwardly.
"Yeah, I do Penny boarding, boxing and even though this seems really childish I really like going on adventures but normally I have to go alone 'cause no one here will come with me."
"Going on adventures is pretty fun." He says with a reassuring smile. "One last question who's some of your favourite music artists?"
"I like TØP,"I say pointing at the twenty one pilots sweatshirt I had on,"Nirvana, Pink floyd and I kinda like Shawn Mendes." I give him his final answer.

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