Pizza? Pizza

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Millie's POV
I roll over in bed not completely opening my eyes. I stretch my arms out in front of me trying to feel around for my phone that should be on my bedside cabinet but I stop short when I can't even feel the cabinet. My eyes pop open and I shute up out of bed. I panic as soon as I realise this isn't my room but calm down as soon as I remember the events of what happened today guessing by the street lights illuminating the dark streets and alleys outside.

I slide out of bed and open the bedroom door which leads out onto a large landing followed by a set of stairs. I stand at the top of the stairs, wary as weather or not to go down. I start my assent only to stop as I hear voices coming from what I'm guessing is the kitchen.
"When do you think it would be a good idea to wake her up and introduce her to the rest of us?" A male voice questions.
"Probably about now." Elton replies.

I hear footsteps coming towards me and decide it's time to let them know I'm awake. I carry on down the stairs and reach the bottom, just as Elton and a group of four lads do.
"Here she is." Elton gestures towards me. I give them a shy smile, unsure as to who they where.
"Mills, this Colby,Corey,Aaron and Sam," He says, pointing to the boys one by one, "They share this house with me."
I give them another smile as an answer.

The one I think Elton said was Colby, speaks up "Do you like pizza?"
I reply with a simple "yes" still trying to figure out weather to trust these people or not.
"Well then that's settled," the blonde one I think Elton said was Sam adds in, "We'll get pizza for dinner. Millie what do you want?"
This kind of surprises me, at the care home we would usually get a cheese and tomato pizza and have to share it. "Um, I'll just have a cheese and tomato pizza please." Sam looks at me with a look of slight shock.
"You sure?" He asks.
"I'm sure." I nod my head.

AN- This chapter is terrible and I'm sorry I just wanted to update. Over the past week I've been out competing hence the reason I didn't update, and like I say I'm terribly sorry.

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