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Millie's POV
Whilst we waited for the pizza to arrive the boys told me about how they all ran YouTube channels that mainly consisted of exploring videos. They told me about how in a couple of weeks I'd be joining them on a journey to New Zealand and how I'd have to wake up early in the morning as I was going to some abandoned place with Sam and Colby to be introduced to their fans.

Once the pizza finally arrived, we ended up eating it whilst watching some of their videos. I had to admit to them that I found them pretty funny and some of their witty remarks hilarious.

Time skip till morning

I woke up to a loud bang of something that sounded strangely like pots and pans. A loud roar of voices came from what sounded like the kitchen and in the half startled, half sleepy mood I was in, i dragged my body after the noise.

I wasn't surprised to find Sam, Colby, Cory and Aaron standing in the there arguing over what to make for breakfast but I was a little curious as to where Elton was.
"Morning!" I shouted over the racket they where making.
It made me smile when they finally stopped talking over each other.
"Morning Mills." Colby's the first to speak to me out of all four of them and I appreciate that at least one of them has acknowledged my existence.
"Where's Elton?" I question, my voice returning to the ,as my year one teacher would call it, an indoor voice.
"He took Circa for a walk." Sam replies after no one else seemed to answer.
I nod my head, contemplating who circa is. I'm guessing it's a dog since I'd be quite surprised if he took a cat on a walk.
Sensing my confusion, Sam then carries on, "Circa's his dog. Did we not show you the dogs last night?"'
I shake my head in response trying not to seem rude as I feel like a one word response like "no" would be seen as me being off with them

An awkward silence soon settles between us and it consists of stares from one person to the next. It's finally over when Elton walks through the front door, an over excited white husky with a tinge of pink snapping at his heels.
"Hey guys," he says stepping into the kitchen. All of a sudden I start to feel small with everyone's attention now turned to me, slightly wishing the ground would swallow me whole. The dog who I'm guessing is circa, takes a great interest in me also and starts sniffing me.
"Have they made you breakfast yet?" Elton says, gesturing towards the boys with his eyes.
I once again shake my head not wanting to push my look like I apparently did with my last family.
"We'll soon get that sorted." He says walking over to the fridge and pulling out some ingredients.
"I'd suggest getting ready," he continues not looking up from the counter he placed everything down on, " unless you want to go out in your pjs. I mean you do you." He finally looks up and shrugs his shoulder, a smirk plastered on his face which makes me laugh.

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