Is it to late now to say sorry?

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Yes, I did just name this chapter after Justin Bieber lyrics. No, I do not like him.

I would like to apologise. I know I haven't been updating but I would like to say thank you to all the comments and the votes I've received. I made it over 2k reads on my first story on here and that's awesome.

However, I will no longer be continuing this story. Ever since Elton stopped living with Sam and Colby and the rest of them, I haven't kept up to date with their videos and don't enjoy them as much anymore. I get Sam and Colby now have their brand kind of thing but I want a mixture of videos like they use to not just exploring videos. Also, I don't know if anyone else will agree but I feel Like Colby has kind of replaced Sam with Brennen.

I respect that things in life have changed for them and it is their lives. So sadly I will not be continuing this book. I annoy myself for saying this as I hate people who finish their books without properly finishing them.

Hopefully I will be uploading an x reader book I've been working on soon. I anyone wants me to write a book about someone in the future let me know. I would also like to, as appreciation for the support on this book, follow you guys so put something like "me" in the comments and I will.

I hope everyone understands,
Millie 💕

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