Going home

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Millie's POV

"Millie get your lazy ass out of bed now before you make me come in there and drag you out." I groan as here the squeaky voice of Lydia on the other side of my door.
"I'd like to see you try." I reply back slowly dragging my self out of bed. I open my bedroom door and see her annoying face staring at me."What do you want?" I questioned her.
"Sadie told me to tell you," she says pointing her finger from her to me, "to have all your stuff packed up in an hour someone's coming to adopt you." And with that she disappeared down the hallway. What the fuck?

Normally, if someone's going to foster you let alone adopt you, you get to spend days out with them or even spend weekends over at their houses but I guess not this time.

I quickly get changed into some respectable clothes consisting of  a Blink 182 sweatshirt, some denim jeans and my black, pretty beat up vans. After tying my hair up into a high pony tail, I start the gruelling task of removing my 50+ poster from my wall. By the time I've gotten ready and shoved all my posters neatly in a cardboard box I realise I only have about ten minutes to shove all my clothes into my suitcase which won't be such a hard job since my wardrobe isn't that big. After shoving six flannels, four oversized sweaters, twelve band shirts, three pairs of jeans, a pair of shorts and my pyjamas into my tiny black suitcase I was nearly ready to go. I finally emptied my room by shoving my few personal belongings into my red backpack and of I went throwing my bag on to my shoulders, carrying my box down the stairs with one hand and heaving my suitcase with the other.

Finally making down into the office where I knew Sadie would want me, exactly an hour after Lydia and her rude interruption, I saw her talking to the guy from yesterday. I knocked slightly on the office door not wanting to disturb them. "Ahh, here she is." I hear Sadie say from inside as she walks towards the door opening it and telling me to come in. I drag all my stuff in and smile shyly at Elton. "So Millie," Sadie says now addressing me,"Elton wants to adopt you. What do you think?"
"Uh,sure I guess?" I question slightly.
"Follow me then." Elton chips in.

I follow him out the office with belongings in hand. "Do you not need help with that?" He turns arounds and asks. "Please can you just carry my posters." I say handing him the box.
"You sure you don't want me to take your suitcase?"
"I'm sure."
And with that we got in his car and took the 45 minute drive to get to his house.

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