Sin 3: Show & Tell

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Show and tell. It was her favourite time of the school day. Today was her turn.

She curled one of her blonde pigtails around her finger. Would they like what she brought in? She hoped so.

"Alright first up we'll have Rebecca." The teacher announced sitting down in her chair in front of the class.

Rebecca was her best friend, she gave her a thumbs up as she got up for her turn.

"Well today I brought in-" Rebecca's introduction was cut short by a loud obnoxious voice.

"Yeah, I reckon we should go to the skatepark after school." The voice had agreed. It was Jason. She hated Jason, he was a rich, stuck up mamma's boy and a huge pain in everyone's asses."

"Jason, it's not your turn to speak." The teacher chastised him before she turned her attention back to Rebecca. "Please continue Rebecca."

"Ok, well, I found this really cool rock at my dad's place and-" Rebecca's voice faltered when a loud yawn came from someone in the audience. Some of the children found this funny and giggled quietly and covered their smiles with their hands.

Jason smirked relishing in the fact that he had made his classmates laugh. Rebecca stopped speaking her once joyful smile turned into a small frown.

She watched this all unfold in front of her, her best friend's enthusiasm disappearing after every interruption. She was sitting amongst the children wondering how crushing someone's dreams was funny. She had been putting the finishing touches on her show and tell, but seeing her best friend being made fun of, her confidence in her show and tell had disappeared. Blind rage filled her little body, the pencil in her hand snapped, how dare he interrupt her best friend from speaking.

"Jason, it's not your-" the teacher went to chastise him again but he spoke over the top of her.

"I'm sorry I just think a rock is kinda boring." Jason yawned again for emphasis of his point.

Rebecca sighed realising she probably wasn't going to finish her show and tell. The teacher had begun to grow impatient with her pupil and went to give him his last warning when one of her students tackled him. The other children scattered away in fright from the brawl.

The teacher stood quickly shouting at both of them but she didn't listen. She landed a few punches before the teacher pulled her off of Jason.

"I said that's enough." The teacher shouted gripping her by the collar.

She glared at Jason who cowered away from her icy glare. "

"Everyone do some colouring. And you young lady will be coming with me." The teacher dragged her along by her collar. As the teacher pulled her out the door she looked to see Rebecca as she gave her a sad smile.


"I came as soon as you called." She watched as her big brother came in through the principal's office door.

"Take a seat Mr Martin." He took a seat in the chair beside her.

She stayed quiet during the principal's lecture until finally the word ' suspended ' ended the lecture and her and her brother were outside walking to his car.

"Punching a kid in class, little rebel. Your principal is really hot though could you get into some more trouble, for me." He smiled down to his little sister.

"Shut it Lust (There's your second sin) , your voice is irritating me." Lust shrugged his shoulders and got in. She glared out the front windscreen for the entire drive home wishing she could beat Jason senseless to give him the justice he so richly deserved.

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