Sin 2: The Bedroom

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He let his hand glide up her leg.

She lifted her head from the pillow giving him a glance that told him 'no'.

"Come on, just one more time" he pleaded kissing her cheek to persuade her.

But she put her foot down. "No, we've already done it twice. I'm too tired."

The door of the bedroom suddenly flew open, the sexy temptress from the bar stood in the doorway. However she had swapped out from the short dress and heels to some more comfortable shorts and an oversized t-shirt.

"You two are disgusting, hurry up and get out, both of you are way to loud." She ordered.

The woman in the bed grabbed one of the sheets wrapping it around herself shuffling into the bathroom after grabbing her bundle of clothes.

After the shut the door the man lay in bed smirking at his sister in the doorway.

"Why have you always got to break up the party Greed?"

(Ps that's the answer for sin 1)

"Your 'parties' are loud and gross keep it to yourself" she snapped slamming the door, her footsteps heard outside walking angrily down the hall.

The woman came out of the bathroom grabbing what was left of her things before opening the door to leave.

"You don't have to go, Jena, we can just be really quiet" he reasoned.

"I'm sorry, but no, I've got somewhere to be." And with that she left shutting the door behind her.

The man fell back on his pillow looking up to the ceiling.

He felt strange, like he wished she had stayed. He looked over to the phone on his dresser.

Picking it up he dialled a number laying back on his elbow as he let it ring.

Eventually a female voice could be heard on the other end saying "hello?"

"Hey Vanessa if your free do you wanna 'hang out'?"

"I'll be right over."

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