Chapter 3

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Fifteen amazing years have passed. Old creatures have passed on while the young ones grew strong. During those years, a lot has changed. And most of those changes had to do with Hiccup and Toothless. Hiccup was twenty years old. Once scrawny and small, Hiccup had gained a lot in muscle and height. Barely visible beard stubble grew under his chin. Hiccup was shirtless, wearing a pair of long fur pants and fur braces covering most of his arms. He wore a necklace with all sorts of shark teeth hanging from the lace he himself crafted. He also created a pair of boots crafted out of a soft cloth-like material. Like Hiccup, Toothless grew a lot as well. He was now twice a man's size, his once small wings now could spread as long as ten feet. His "ears" grew longer and the Night Fury grew his own version of beard stubble under his lower jaw. Toothless may have physically changed, but he had remained the ever curious and playful Night Fury Hiccup loved.


Hiccup was sleeping in the soft sleeping mat, quietly snoring. The young man was peacefully dreaming when he felt something heavy flop right on top of him. Opening his eyes, Hiccup saw Toothless lay his head on his side.

"Toothless, no..." Hiccup quietly warned the Night Fury. But the mischievious dragon ignored him, taking his mischief to the next level. He plopped his entire body on Hiccup, wrapping his limbs and wings around the man while laying on top of him. This was cute when Toothless was little, but now it's obnoxiously annoying. Especially given the fact Toothless is now a ten ton adult.

"TOOFLESS, YOU'RE SQUIFING ME." Hiccup loudly muffled. Valka had lost it watching Toothless absorb Hiccup in his arms, her laughter was reverberating through the whole den.

"At least you're having a wonderful time." Hiccup remarked, finding himself laughing as well. Toothless finally got up, only to drench Hiccup in a flurry of slobbery dragon kisses.

"BLECH, AGH! TOOTHLESS! YOUR BREATH SMELLS DISGUSTING!" Hiccup exclaimed. Toothless stopped his "attack" and sat down, watching as Hiccup got up.

"So much for sleeping in, huh?" Valka said, yawning. Hiccup chuckled. He turned to Toothless, who was fidgeting in anticipation for something.

"What? You want to go flying, bud?" Hiccup asked. Toothless began to bounce around excitedly, wagging his tail while letting out a series of soft bellows. Hiccup smiled at Toothless' excitedness. If you can't find a ten ton Night Fury twice the size of a human bounding about like a giant puppy adorable, you have a serious problem.

"Okay, okay. We're going, bud." Hiccup said, heading towards the den's entrance. Toothless sprinted out of the den at full speed, barely noticing Hiccup hasn't walked out yet. Hiccup turned to Valka for a moment before leaving.

"I'll see you later, mom. And don't let Cloudjumper sleep on my bed while I'm gone." Hiccup said. Valka chuckled.

"Alright. Get back in one piece, alright?" Valka replied. Hiccup nodded and ran after Toothless.

"Love you, mom!" Hiccup hollered as he disappeared in the bushes.

"Love you too, Hiccup." Valka softly replied. Within moments, Hiccup had already caught up with Toothless, who had just realized he accidentally left Hiccup behind. Hiccup laughed, attempting to run ahead of the Night Fury. Toothless picked up the speed, running besides the man. Hiccup noticed they were heading towards a cliff. Without even one drop of hesitation, Hiccup jumped off the cliff with Toothless diving after him. In moments, Toothless shot out of the ice fortress with Hiccup on his back. Flying into the outside world, Toothless banked upwards and darted towards the clouds with Hiccup whooping in joy.

"WHOOOO! YEAH, BABY!" Hiccup hollered. Toothless roared with joy, folding his wings as he dived straight down. The rush of adrenaline flowed through Hiccup's veins like a river overflowing with raging waters. Right before they hit the bright blue ocean, Toothless pulled up and spreaded his wings. The duo soared over the ocean with tremendous velocity, the tips of Toothless wings skimming the surface of the water. A pod of Thunderdrums breached near the duo, catching flying fish in their jaws. Toothless snatched up a Yellowtail that had swam too close to the surface. Afterwards, Toothless flapped his wings and climbed higher into the sky once more. Hiccup leaned back, spreading his arms and letting his hands feel the soft, puffy clouds above.

This was what it is to be a dragon. To fly over the clouds without fear. To dare to feel joy. To feel... free.

As Hiccup enjoyed the flight, he noticed something was hurdling towards them.

"What is that?" Hiccup asked himself, leaning forward. A arrow-like contraption soared towards the duo, catching Hiccup's curiosity. Suddenly, the device expanded into a massive net that shot towards them.

"TOOTHLESS, LOOK OUT!" Hiccup screamed, but it was too late. The net wrapped around Hiccup and Toothless, trapping the duo. Toothless swirled out of control, landing in the ocean. Hiccup tried to break him and Toothless free, but he suddenly felt something pull the net up. Hiccup gasped loudly for air as he was pulled out of the water. To his surprise, Toothless and him were lowered onto the deck of a massive warship. A group of masked armored men kept their crossbows aimed at the duo, making Hiccup uneasy.

"Oh, Thor.." Hiccup cursed.

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