Chapter 6

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Hiccup and Toothless walked through the foliage, pushing past the low-lying trees and shrubs. As the duo made their way to a new opening, they were suddenly halted by Ruffnut and Tuffnut.

"Can we pet your dragon?" Tuffnut asked.

"What? No!" Hiccup said, shoving past the twins. Tuffnut reached his hand out to Toothless anyway, but the Night Fury slapped his hand with his tail. Hiccup walked into a open grassland, watching a few birds fly away. He was about to step off the stone slab when he stopped and frowned.

"..... I can hear your footsteps, guys." Hiccup said, turning to see Astrid and the others stopping in their tracks. Toothless shot a warning growl at Tuffnut after he still tried to pet him. Hiccup sighed as he rubbed his nasal bone.

"Guys, why  are you following me? Go! Shoo! Get out of here!" Hiccup said.

"Hiccup, we're not leaving. At least not until we meet up with Gobber at his camp." Astrid replied. Tuffnut crept towards Toothless with his hand outstretched, trying to pet his head. Toothless' pupils narrowed to slits in agitation as he unfolded his wings and began snarling viciously, snapping his jaws at Tuffnut each time the idiotic viking got closer.

"Can somebody call that idiot off before Toothless tears his arm off?" Hiccup demanded. Ruffnut simply grabbed Tuffnut by his helmet and pulled him away.

"OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! MY HAIR!" Tuffnut exclaimed. Hiccup heard uneven footsteps and turned around to see Gobber approaching.

"What in Thor's name is holding you laddies up?" Gobber asked. He noticed Toothless, making a expression that mixed shock and fear together.

"NIGHT FURY! IT'S A NIGHT FURY!" Gobber screamed, getting into a kung-fu type battle pose.

"A'ight, ya fire-breathing lizard! I got my hammer and I'm not afraid to use it!" Gobber explained. Toothless just made a bored expression and fired a small low-flame plasma blast at Gobber. The veteran viking coughed up loads of smoke as he wiped off the soot from his face.

"Huh. The Night Fury ain't as vicious as the book claims it to be." Gobber said.

"Is this the "legendary" Gobber you've been talking about?" Hiccup asked, turning to Astrid.

"I don't know about legendary, but I am definitely Gobber." Gobber answered. He looked at Hiccup closely.

"When did this island become populated by shirtless people with fur pants?" Gobber asked.

"I came here a few days ago. Me and Toothless are seeking refuge." Hiccup replied.

"From who?" Gobber asked once more.

"A total madman named Koda Whitemane. He's probably hunting me down as we speak." Hiccup answered.

"Well, lad. Come with us to our camp. We'll figure something out." Gobber suggested.

"Ugh. Why can't you leave me alone?!" Hiccup exclaimed.

"Because, since we're all stranded on this island, mind as well get to know each other." Gobber said. Hiccup groaned as he followed Gobber and the others back to camp.


Night approached faster than a Speed Stinger, lifting the moon in the sky. Everyone was settled around a campfire and sitting on logs while listening to Gobber's war stories.

"So there I was, my back against the wall, and the Monstrous Nightmare was coming at me. I tried to fight it off, but it ate my hand! I tried to kick it, but it ate my leg too. Before it could finish me off like a true warrior, it flew away. I was so angry. I vowed to hunt that dragon down 'til the day I die!" Gobber told everyone while eating a giant piece of chicken. Toothless was sleeping next to Hiccup, purring softly as Hiccup rubbed his head softly. Tuffnut slowly slid towards Toothless, reaching his hand out. Toothless smacked Tuffnut's face with his right wing, sending the viking tumbling onto the ground. Afterwards, Toothless got up and walked around while grumbling. Snotlout threw the remains of his dinner on the floor while wearing a scowl on his face.

"Everytime I hear that story, it makes me so mad! I'm gonna avenge your beautiful hand and beautiful leg, Gobber! WITH MY FACE!" Snotlout exclaimed. Fishlegs jumped when he felt something flop on his legs and looked down, seeing Toothless laying his head on his lap.

"Uh... H-Hiccup... What is the dragon doing...?" Fishlegs stammered

"Just calm down, Fishlegs. Let him come to you." Hiccup said. Toothless sniffed Fishlegs' hand, purring and placing his snout in his palm. With Hiccup's approval, Fishlegs slowly began petting Toothless' head. Fishlegs began smiling as Toothless purred louder.

"This... This is amazing. He's so docile!" Fishlegs said. Everyone looked at the sight with awe. Even Gobber was amazed.

"Would you look at that. Your dragon's acting as harmless as a kitten. I always believed these creatures were violent and brutal monsters..." Gobber said.

"That's the thing about dragons. They are wonderful animals, capable of loyalty and compassion. But vikings don't take the time to figure that out. They see something big and scary, and they just gotta kill it... My mother told me about the war. I know you all were raised to kill dragons, but if you allow it, I can show you that killing these amazing animals isn't the answer." Hiccup said. Everyone looked at Hiccup, who was now mounted on Toothless' back.

"Okay, I'm in." Astrid said.

"Okay, I'll join in too." Fishlegs followed.

"Count us in!" Ruffnut and Tuffnut shouted simultaneously.

"Eh, whatever. If I'm gonna be friends with a dragon, it better be a cool one!" Snotlout said.

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